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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Gingrich: Arming Teachers 'Only Long-Term Solution' to School Shootings

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” former Speaker Newt Gingrich said the “only long-term solution” to school shootings was to have teachers and administrators trained in the use of firearms and ”prepared” to defend the kids.

Gingrich said, “What I think is the only long-term solution, which is to have — depending on the size of the school, a minimum of 6 to 8 teachers and administrators who are trained in the use of firearms and have concealed carry permits and are prepared to defend the kids. We’ve had this experiment. I thought the sheriff from Florida said it perfectly when he said we have experimented with the gun free zone. It’s called a school. Every school in the country is supposed to be a gun-free zone. If gun control worked, how come it didn’t work? We have to be realistic. We are not going to confiscate guns on the scale to make us a disarmed country.”

He added, “The truth is sooner or later somebody is going to slip through the net— the civil liberties problem— if you go out and pick weird, you are really infringing on the right of people to be free.”



  1. Teachers are in school to teach not be security guards. A lot of them will not want a gun. Hire security if that's what you want.

  2. The only long term solution to hate and murder is to change one's heart.

  3. 8:11, What a great comment and how refreshing, thank you.

  4. Yeah, that's right. Let's be Christian and just forgive the shooters. That will make everything all better.


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