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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Florida substitute teacher, 64, is slammed by student

A 64-year-old Florida substitute teacher was slammed to the ground by a student when he confiscated the teen's phone.

In a video released today, the unidentified educator and the teen are wrapped up in a scuffle over the phone.

As students move out of the way of the chaos, the two bulldoze through desk as they make their way to another part of the classroom.



  1. Immediate expulsion by the school board. Family unit needs to suffer! Harsh YES, but that's how things were handled prior to the snowflake/participation trophy invasion!

    1. Expulsion?! You meant jailtime right??

  2. This is hard for me to watch. A young bull is stronger than most 64 year old's. In the 60's this would not likely to have happen due to something we called respect . Also if it had happen the student would have been bum rushed by his friends to help the teacher. Even if they didn't like the teacher. On the other hand back then the teacher would probably kicked butt.

  3. Back in my day after being whipped and suspended at school my dad and mom would have also instilled some corporal punhishment and then some. Sad the way this kids are allowed to act today. That why i couldnt teach. Because i would have waited to catch that little POS in a dark alley just me and him. See how tough he would be then

  4. 12:15, true, but it will never happen. These darlings are now the responsibility of the state. We feed them 2 meals a day, and babysit them all day. It is now the norm. Meanwhile we will attempt to teach the majority of student amid all these distractions.

  5. I imagine the substitute has been fired and will not be used again for failing to control the student or using inappropriate merhods to restrain the youth. Student will be made a hero and get a settlement from the school board upwards of $1 million for pain and suffering.

  6. It's a shame that the substitute was not carrying. End of story

  7. Phones shouldnt be allowed in school period end of problem

    1. So it’s not the thugs fault because the school allowed him to bring his phone to class??
      Wow. Need more air circulating in that basement.


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