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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Florida rated the worst American state by Thrillist

Florida has been ranked rock-bottom in a list of American states, prompting a light-hearted backlash from local media.

The Sunshine State was beneath all 49 other states when rated by a lifestyle website on 'everything'.

Included in the assessment was the states' 'contributions to America', 'inventions', 'food/drink', 'productive famous people' and 'unique physical beauty'.



  1. Good article, and they pegged Florida.
    This is an amazingly nasty State. Worst tempered people in the country - and I'm not just talking about the old people - it's ALL ages.
    I travel a lot in my business and hit Florida about 8 or ten times a year.
    It's the only state that my wife refuses to accompany me to.

  2. Delaware was 49th worst state and y'all know it's a line on a map that separates us from them. Michigan was number 1. Calling BS on the list.

  3. Agree, my son lives in Florida and he wants me to retire there; HELL NO! There is nothing appealing or beneficial to that state.

  4. 801am if you can keep an open mind with some of the antics, Key West is a nice place in FLA

  5. I;m gonna stay right here in downtown Salisbury, right next to the sewage plant where I can scoop catfish out of the river with no bait. THE LAND OF PLEASANT LIVING. OH YEAH

  6. 8:01 You mean like no state income tax or ability to use your boat year round or CCW with no hassle or a great economy with jobs and property values that are not stuck in 2009.


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