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Monday, February 12, 2018

Flashback: Democrats Defended Sen. Sherrod Brown Against Wife Abuse Claims

When Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel noted in 2012 that Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) had been accused of abusing his wife, liberals accused Mandel of abusing women by raising the issue.

Rita Smith, executive director of the Denver-based National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, declined at the time to criticize Brown. Instead, she defended Brown’s voting record on women’s issues. And she told an interviewer that Mandel’s attack on Brown was “‘actually abusive,’ because he is putting Brown’s family, including his former wife, in a negative spotlight, ‘and that is abusive of women.'”

That is how many Democrats really feel about politicians who abuse women. As long as they have a “D” after their names, and vote for abortion, they are almost incapable of abuse.



  1. See satan lives in the souls of democrats. Lie, deceive, steal confuse, hate, hypocrisy. They do it for you and the children. Be afarid very afraid.

  2. Yet again a double standard. The democrats defend their party no matter what they do. The media doesn't cover the democrats dirty deeds like they do the republicans. If they do report it it would be once and then no more. When it's a republican they hammer it all day long for days on end. The criminal media need to be held accountable for their actions. But I guess that will never happen. God help us. He's the only way.


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