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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Federal Inmate Brags About Uncharged Murder in Facebook Live Cell Video

A federal prison inmate in Atlanta, Georgia, published a Facebook Live video where he allegedly admitted to committing a murder that he hasn’t been charged for.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the man “appeared to admit his involvement in a deadly shooting in Ohio,” during the 49-minute livestream, where he was also pictured pulling “a fake trigger with his hands,” eating snacks, and drinking Pepsi.

Despite 30-year-old inmate Joe Fletcher’s claims he committed the murder, another man is currently serving time for the 2010 “shooting death of 19-year-old LaDonte Smith.”

“Everybody knows I did it. I did it,” proclaimed Fletcher, who is currently serving time on weapons offenses.



  1. We are reminded that he isn't in there because of his superior intelligence.

  2. We are reminded that he isn't in there because of his superior intelligence.

  3. LOL

    I mean OUT LOUD!

    Intelligence is inherited . . . you do realize this, right?

  4. @6:58, That's why they are all so damn ignorant. Can't inherit something that does not exist. While all of Europe and Asia advanced and evolved, Africa stayed in the stone age. Their intelligence never evolved. They stayed ignorant and it was passed on to their children. It's part of their dna. That's why Africa is the shit hole country that it is. Remember when blacks in Boston complained that the test to become a police officer was made too hard for a black to pass it? Now you tell me, just how is that done? Other races take the test and pass it, why can't blacks? That was them saying they are not as smart as we are. But they were too stupid to know exactly what they said. There is the proof. Also remember when Hank Johnson, the black Representative of Georgia, said he was afraid the island of Guam would turn over if too many people were on one side of the island? More proof.

  5. Too ignorant to know this will be used against him in court when he is arrested for that murder. He is just plain stupid.


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