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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

FBI should completely shut down: Judicial Watch's Chris Farrell

Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell is calling for the complete abolishment of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) beginning with the resignation of its director, Christopher Wray, after failing to protect American citizens.

The law enforcement agency has come under scrutiny for becoming too politicized in the probe into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and the Russian dossier that may have helped authorities obtain FISA warrants to conduct surveillance on Trump campaign officials.

“I would go back 200 years to the U.S. Marshal Service. I would create a new division for investigation and in about 6-8 months, I would shut the FBI down,” Farrell said during an interview on FOX Business “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”



  1. Too many people to watch and too many red flags.Expecting the FBI to monitor it all is ridiculous.I'm curious about the 40 police responses & why he never went to jail.That means the parents refused to press charges.If I made more than 5 trips to a house regarding an individual,that individual would leave in handcuffs.Now every agency that dropped the ball is blaming the FBI.

  2. FBI fools beyond imagination. Nothing more then a political tool for thr liberals.

  3. 4:45 BS. Why have a tip line if you're not going to follow up?

  4. FBI Fumbling Bureau of Idiots !

    Their new slogan is, "Help a Criminal, give us a call, we will do nothing".


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