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Thursday, February 15, 2018

FBI Director: Chinese spies are infiltrating US colleges

Chinese spies are infiltrating US universities as part of the country's bid to become the dominant global superpower and undermine America's military, economic and cultural power, FBI Director Chris Wray has warned.

Wray's comments came during the Senate intelligence committee's annual open hearing on the greatest threats to the country.

The hearing was told China is trying to gain access to sensitive U.S. technologies and intellectual properties through telecommunications companies, academia and joint business ventures.

The last decade has seen a huge increase in the number of young Chinese seeking a college education in the West; 329,000 now study in the United States, more than five times the number recorded in 2007.



  1. Not just the colleges - they are in our government as well!

  2. "Chinese spies are infiltrating US colleges"

    Yeah, starting in about 1920 and every year since, just as U.S. spies have been infiltrating every other nation's colleges.

  3. Our colleges LOVE the out of state tuition for one simple thing - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Oh yeah, its also called CAPITALISM!!!

    FBI - complaining about spies...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

    Fox Mulder at your service!!!!!

  4. Muslim Brotherhood has Infiltrated our government at the highest levels...as well as our universities.


  5. You must be Chinese, 1:02/1:10.

    Or more likely a fat guy with an EBT card.

    Look at ANY school in the US with a good engineering program, and I guarantee you will find a Confucius Institute on the campus.

    There is one on the Miami University (OH) campus, there since 2007. There are thousands of Chinese students there too. I'm betting at least half of them are Chinese military. There is a Chinese 'restaurant' nearby that is the local headquarters of the Chinese mafia.

    This problem had better be addressed quickly. Starting with the Clintons, when they sold missile technology to China, the Chinese have been getting almost free access to our technology-- much of it through the university engineering programs. The have just deployed their copy of our F-35 fighter. Their submarines use US stealth technology that make them almost impossible to track.

    And before long, as they deploy their electronic components throughout our civilian and military infrastructure, they will be able to shut us down at will.

    But you just keep popping off 1:02/1:10. I'm sure you will find them congenial as you are being taught Chinese.

    Oh, and I hope you like rice...

  6. 445 - you can buy in bulk tin foil from your Chinese mafia!

    Pass some of the moonshine you are drinking, I need to calm my nerves with the good stuff while eating my egg rolls!

  7. 445
    Thank you for the information

    You are so naive it is amazing.
    Do you even know the meaning of the word CONSPIRACY?
    Are you aware there are millions of conspiracies in the world?


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