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Monday, February 26, 2018

FBI didn't contact Google during probe on Florida shooter

The FBI was told of a threat accused Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz made on YouTube last September but never contacted the company to track down its source, missing an early indicator, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said Friday.

Someone reported the online threat to the FBI and the bureau opened a counterterrorism investigation but closed it on Oct. 11 saying it never managed to identify the person behind the post.

It wasn’t until after last week’s school massacre that the FBI did track down the author and found it was the 19-year-old man now accused of slaying 17 people at his former high school, Mr. Grassley’s office said, after getting briefings from both the FBI and Google.

Google would have been able to help confirm the commentator’s identity if the FBI had followed up, Mr. Grassley’s office said.

The FBI also missed a crucial tip from a caller in January. The person described Mr. Cruz as “mentally ill with violent tendencies,” Mr. Grassley’s office said. The caller said Mr. Cruz mutilated small animals and had pulled a rifle on his late mother, and had threatened more violence.



  1. If they would have told the FBI that Mr. Cruz was involved with the Russians messing in the 2016 election, they would have been all over him!

  2. I hate to say it but DemocRATS love a good SHOOTING it pushes there Soros open society Agenda FACT.

  3. They wouldn't have needed to use Google to track down the killer. Within moments of the shooting because students were using social media and got his name out internet sleuths had tracked him down. They were posting his life story long before the MSM even confirmed he was the killer.

  4. That Florida shooter will never see a regular prison,he will wind up in a mental hospital and after about 10 years some ultra-liberal head shrinker will say he's cured.He will be back on the street ready to start all over again, only the next time it will be a lot more than 17 dead.


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