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Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Fact-Check: No, Fall River, Massachusetts, Was Not 'Built by Immigrants'

Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) claimed the host-city of his response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, Fall River, Massachusetts was “built by immigrants.”


What is now Fall River was first established in the 1600s by English settlers who were not “immigrants” but colonists. A native-born family, the Bordens ran a mill in what became the town for generations before and after the American revolution. Industrialization began when Col. Joseph Durfee, a native-born Revolutionary War hero built the first factory in 1811. Later, at the end of the 19th Century a wave of immigrants swelled the town’s population. Immigrants, however, never made up a majority of the population of Bristol County, where Fall River lies, even at their early 20th Century peak.



  1. Facts are irrelevant to Liberals.

  2. Colonists WERE immigrants.

  3. Have you ever known a Kennedy to tell the truth?

  4. At the time, the Kennedys were living barefoot in stone huts in Ireland.

  5. Unless they were native american indians, they were immigrants.

  6. never let facts get in the way of a good story

  7. You can bet your butt we are going to keep hearing a lot more from that Kennedy. He's being groomed for the oval office.

  8. Oh those inconvenient facts.

  9. Sorry.
    I'm sick of that worn out BS line about we are a "nation of immigrants". We are not. How many immigrant children are in the Kennedy family?

    The great majority of American citizens were BORN HERE. I didn't immigrate here and neither did millions upon millions of other Americans.
    If you want to say the "dreamers" (another BS designation byliberal goofs) are American (NOT immigrants) because they were born here, why to you tell AMERICANS that they are nothing but "immigrants"?
    I'm sorry YOUR country is in chaos and your socialist leaders have enriched themselves while you starve, but it's NOT my fault or responsibility to GIVE YOU a house, a doctor, and citizenship papers (you can't even speak the language!) because you swam here....
    Maybe soon, we WILL be a nation of immigrants if liberals get their way
    Not now, however, not now.

  10. Colonists were not immigrants. Colonists leave their homeland to establish a "colony" for their country of origin. The intention is to remain under the rule of thst country. Taxes are paid back to the country, to which services are then given to the colony. Immigrants flee their country, to live off of the country they enter, legally or illegally.

  11. Never knew a Kennedy to tell the truth.


  12. 1:44 made a good distinction between colonists and immigrants. And some came here against their will.

    Most of us are descended from ancestors who came here voluntarily under one of the two terms above, colonist or immigrant, and most of us were actually born here.

    I find the 'nation of immigrants' phrase useful because it reminds us that at some point our ancestors thought coming here, often under difficult circumstances, was a better deal than staying in the old country.

    We are blessed because we remain attractive to those in other countries who want to join us. We definitely need to restore effective oversight to the immigration process so that we can continue to welcome deserving immigrants, but under terms we set as a sovereign nation.

  13. My grandparents were French Canadian immigrants who in fact migrated to Fall River in Bristol County Massachusetts, but that was in the 1930's. And not only that, they did it legally. They did receive some assistance, but it was from the Roman Catholic Church. They were allowed to send their kids to Catholic School.


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