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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Drinking wine or beer could lead to a longer life

It’s the sort of health news most would toast with a cheeky tipple – but it may have health fanatics choking on their carrot juice.

Drinking a couple of glasses of wine or beer a night – while adding a few extra pounds in weight – could be the secret to living into your 90s, a major study finds today.

The research, which looked at those who had lived beyond 90, identified modest alcohol consumption as one of five key factors linked to a long life.



  1. At this rate I'm going to live 200 years!!

  2. Let me get right on that.

  3. So now there will be a bunch of 100 year olds walking around with no brain cells left.

  4. It can lead to a lasting marriage, she won't look ugly after a few beers!


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