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Friday, February 02, 2018

Donald Trump: Democrats Do Nothing but ‘Resist, Blame, Complain and Obstruct’ on DACA

President Donald Trump unleashed an attack on Democrats for failing to pass amnesty for DACA recipients, as he prepared a speech for the House and Senate Republican Member Conference on Thursday.

“March 5th is rapidly approaching and the Democrats are doing nothing about DACA,” he wrote. “They Resist, Blame, Complain and Obstruct – and do nothing. Start pushing Nancy Pelosi and the Dems to work out a DACA fix, NOW!”

Trump has proposed amnesty for 1.8 million illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children in exchange for wall funding, an end to chain migration, and the end of the visa lottery system.

The president said he would discuss infrastructure spending and an immigration deal on DACA.

“Not easy when we have no support from the Democrats,” he continued. “NOT ONE DEM VOTED FOR OUR TAX CUT BILL! Need more Republicans in ‘18.”

More here


  1. DACA - Democrats Against Citizens of America

  2. 1:37, I love it and so true. (map)

  3. This is true. Trump has proposed something better than the Democrats' plan. So let's see what they do during an election year. They don't want it to pass to benefit Republicans. And the "dreamers" are watching. They are not idiots.


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