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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Do NOT let your child get swept up by the Super Bowl

American football may never be the same again after this Super Bowl.

That isn't because the New England Patriots' star quarterback Tom Brady may retire soon (though that will be a significant moment in NFL history), nor the saga of kneeling during the national anthem, which permeated all major sports.

It is because this has been the most groundbreaking year to date in terms of research proving links between football tackles and neurodegenerative brain diseases, including dementia, ALS, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

As those studies have emerged, the rate of children playing American football has declined - a trend which threatens to shrink the next generation of fans and players if it continues.



  1. So many other safer sports. Why would you subject your child to football? No way my kid will play contact football. No amount of scholarship can pay to fix a broken brain.

  2. Ain't many tickets out of the ghetto gotta take what you can get. Meanwhile the all white billionaire owners never have to worry about their kids getting this.

  3. The NFL is just another wing of the satanic cabal of pagan worship at its finest. during halftime its full satanic symbology. And you will know them by their fruits. Nothing they do is from God. it's not a good tree they grow but an evil one.

  4. I agree 7:19 - simply not worth it. While I think sports in general can be a healthy activity, not to mention teaching the concepts of sportsmanship, fair play and team work, many other sports that are not contact sports can do the same with little risk - if anything kills off football, CTE is certainly would do it

  5. That's all junk science like climate change. My kids ain't snowflakes and play football like real men should.

  6. Ok righteous 7:19 - what sports are your kids going to be allowed to play?

    1. Soccer, lacrosse, baseball, swimming,cross country, biking, iron man training, pretty much anything other than football.

  7. Mamby pamby mamma's boy should remain in the marching band or jogging around in his knickers on the soccer field. Blood makes the grass grow girlfriend. In this sissyfied world you liberals are evolving into, the gridiron is one of the last available outlets where the tough and strong flourish and the weak and gingersnaps ride the pine. I for one will encourage my son to strap up and detroy the ball carrier. There is NOTHING more gratifying than absolutely crushing a running back or blowing up a receiver coming across the middle. You do what you want with your kids and I'll do the same with mine. But the world NEEDS more middle linebackers and fewer video gamers in my view.

    1. You mean like all those guys on their knees?

    2. Bet you'd feel different if your kid committed suicide due to CTE, tough guy. Wonder what happened to you in your childhood to make you so pleased to inflict pain on others. Did daddy not love you enough, or perhaps a little TOO much???

  8. I think the world would benefit from more Steve Jobs'and Jeff Bezos' and fewer Ray Lewis's and Aaron Hernandez' myself.


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