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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Developing: New Hillary Emails Released - Contains Directions on Deleting

The State Dept. recently released new Hillary Clinton emails; this piece will provide a quick-to-read breakdown of two exchanges.

First is an email that appears to be a discussion over deleting data from a Blackberry, much like the ones Hillary Clinton uses. Note the names of the emails:

From: Justin Cooper

Sent: 9/2/2011 8:03:46 PM

To: Bryan M. Pagliano

CC: Jon Davidon

Subject: Re: Question

Easy to do
Go to settings
Service books
And delete anything that says cmime
Or hr15@att.blackberry.net
Or hdr22@clintonemail.com

Try to leave the stuff that says desktop

Got that jd?



  1. I'm thinking that cmime might be a misspelling (perhaps intentional) of crime.


  2. Hope they retrofit some of the quarters for Gitmo guests for a number of females, starting with Her Hillaryness.


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