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Monday, February 26, 2018

Deploy or 'Find Something Else to Do' in Civilian Life: Mattis

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis used tough terms to back up the new deploy-or-get out rules, saying those held back for administrative reasons place an unfair burden on troops who routinely serve multiple combat tours.

"You're either deployable, or you need to find something else to do. I'm not going have some people deploying constantly and then other people, who seem to not pay that price, in the U.S. military," Mattis told reporters traveling with him on his way home Saturday from a week-long trip to Europe.

"If you can't go overseas [and] carry a combat load, then obviously someone else has got to go. I want this spread fairly and expertly across the force," he said.

Defense Department officials have said there will be numerous exceptions to the new rules forcing out service members unable to deploy for 12 consecutive months -- including waivers for those wounded in combat and those who are pregnant -- but Mattis is firm on the overall concept.



  1. REALLY?? How in the hell can he come here and wine and dine with Jake Day then in the next breath call out ALL the "administrative" reservist in our military. Jake "I can't be deployed" because I'm vital to Salisbury's day to day functions.

    1. Think you were referring to Jim Mathias. But anyway your is valid Jake day you can't jeep running and hiding from taking military pay and playing Salisbury mayor. People like you are destroying a lot of other families because you want to PLAY soldier

    2. Maybe Mathias is the answer to Salisbury's Day.

  2. When did mattis dine with the clown? Seriously i musta missed it?

  3. This is gonna be messy!

  4. I had no idea that Mr. Day was that well connected.
    If so, then resistance is futile.
    Time to get out of Da Bury!

  5. 4:38-are you clueless or stupid. James “Mad dog” Mattis is a real American hero. Shame on you for confusing him with the mealy-mouthed, pandering Jim Mathias (the guy who used his wife’s death in his campaign ad)! But I agree that a solution to Salisbury’s woes might be to deploy Jakie. Unfortunately there would likely be collateral damage there.

  6. Believe the majority has voted - DEPLOY JAKIE BOY!!!!!

    Lets have a parade!
    (snicker snicker)


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