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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Democrats Oppose Sealing Border-Law Loopholes

Democrats are quietly rejecting the legal reforms needed to stop waves of migrants from walking through President Donald Trump’s proposed concrete-and-rebar wall.

The fundamental disagreement over border-law loopholes is rarely cited by media, even as Democrats gradually admit they can fund construction of the wall. But the disagreement over the legal reforms threatens to tie up the Senate’s high-visibility debate on immigration, which has already gotten tangled in a dispute over sanctuary cities.

The border-law problem was casually admitted on Monday by the Democrat’s top amnesty advocate, Sen. Dick Durbin. He spoke at an informal press conference on Monday, according to the Washington Times, and he said:

While Democrats have said they are open to fencing, manpower and technology, Republicans argue about half of illegal immigrants don’t come across the U.S.-Mexico border but enter legally as visitors and don’t leave.

Republicans say the border can’t be secure unless the conditions that entice people to attempt illegal immigration are solved, such as the jobs magnet, an asylum system susceptible to fraud, and easier treatment of illegal immigrant children and families from Central America than from Mexico.

… Democrats said that was reaching too far. “Believe me, we’re not going to solve that problem this week,” Mr. Durbin said.



  1. Government's first job is to keep America safe. These people are citizens employed by us the taxpayers. Why is it they don't do their work and we still employ them. Frankly, I am tired of their crap.
    Trump/Pence 2020!

  2. Who Cares .....they OPPOSE EVERYTHING !!!

    Use the Nuclear Option !!!

  3. Of course the Dems reject legal reforms. It reduces their voter base.

  4. Demoncrats are used to Open Border letting Millions pour in

    & they did not care Who they were !!

  5. The loopholes need to be closed as soon as possible. ASAP! President Trump is spot on. Stay strong on this very important topic President Trump. Behind you 100% God Bless America

  6. The democrats should be shipped across the border and not allowed to return. This country would be a lot better off


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