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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Democrats Hate Trump More Than They Love America

Last Tuesday's State of the Union response may have been a tipping point for the American Left.

“Church … family … police … military … the national anthem … Trump trying to call on all the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism. The goal of this speech appears to be to force the normalization of Trump on the terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for. #SOTU—MSNBC host Joy Reid’s reaction to the State of the Union

Last Tuesday may have been a tipping point for the American Left. Reid’s reaction to Trump’s address, along with a number of equally contemptible reactions by other members of the Democrat/Media Complex, have exposed American leftists for who they really are: people would rather hate Trump — and his supporters — than love America.

How could Reid be so contemptuous of Americans who go to church, believe in strong families and support the police, the military and the national anthem? Because the groundwork for that sentiment was laid almost a decade ago. "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,” said then-candidate for president Barack Obama in 2008.

And in case Obama didn’t make it clear enough, Hillary Clinton doubled down. “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” she stated in 2016. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.”



  1. If they hate Trump, they hate America.

  2. DEMS are a sad lot...Misdirected, clueless, soft on everything, run on emotions, no common sense, no critical thinking skills, corrupt, and so far left leaning many have 'fallen off'...

  3. Change Dems to conservatives and Trump to Obama and this headline is 100% accurate for the last 10 years

  4. The post above you is correct 3:39. You have fallen off as stated. In case you don't remember, the conservatives were not crying on television when the failure was elected in '08. They did not make vile remarks against the failure. You do have one thing correct, this republican did and always will hate the dude for setting back this great country. I may add he is the only person I have ever hated, dislike yes but that dude is beyond dislike. But since '16 other democrats are pushing hard for my hate list. I won't name the fat failed candidate of '16, but you get my drift.

  5. Many of us who love Mr. Trump also hate what "America' has become.

    The Constitutional Republic was destroyed many decades ago.
    Now we endure under Facism on our way toward full blown Communism.

  6. Those of us who are older don't even recognize America.
    And we hope Mr. Trump will bring back what we once loved about this Country. Hope. But no change. Yet.

  7. What makes anyone think the demographs love America when you look at ANY of their policy positions?

  8. 505..I was very embarrassed after the 2012 election when THEN Speaker of the House (R) John Boehner said "..well, this means nothing will get approved over the next 4 years..."

    This mindset regardless of political party cannot continue if America has any chance to be made great again!


  9. HI guys, sorry to post here on this topic regarding Dems hating Trump, (fully agree, love trumps hate, BS!) but I was curious if you think anyone else is planning to run for Wicomico County Council seats? Not sure if the deadline for registration as candidate has closed or not. I know it's off topic for this thread, but hadn't seen any mention of it in recent posts. If election of declared today, definitely some new Dems.

  10. They hate Trump BECAUSE they love America.


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