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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Confronting my alcoholism -- It’s been 26 years since my last drink and an incredible change in my life

My last drink to date – okay, drinks, since we’re talking about at least a bottle of wine – took place exactly 26 years ago, on Jan. 31, 1992.

The setting: An ex-girlfriend’s apartment in West Los Angeles. The reason: I was hoping that if we both got drunk enough, she would sleep with me one more time. The timing: I was leaving Los Angeles the next morning, to move back East.

The result: I couldn’t get her drunk enough. Nothing happened.

At least, nothing happened in the apartment, other than my registering her look of disgust at my drinking. The real “something” took place outside her building, as I sat in my car, sobering up, and I experienced my first moment of clarity in 15 years of drinking.

I remember so clearly sitting there and thinking: “I’ve turned into an animal. This woman loves me, and all I want to do is use her and throw her away.”

Even before then, I had realized I needed to stop drinking. Despite degrees from Amherst College and Columbia Law School, I was unemployable. I was unlovable.



  1. Been there my friend.

  2. Go ahead.Stop drinking and get the flu every year.

    1. Stop drinking in 2012. Replaced with cardio and eating clean. I haven't been sick, lost 80lbs, have more money, look Better and feel amazing even when sore from grappling work out. You CAN do it. I BELIEVE in YOU.

  3. Sadly, in my opinion, I feel we have fallen to these depths of immorality. People "use" each other for personal gratification with no commitments or obligations. There is no mystery or sanctity to unions for the intended purpose. I know some will scoff at my criticism; think about it...is God amused?

    1. Well the being in the sly doesnt exist, but i agree, the liberals have shredded our society

  4. The difference between a drunk and an alcoholic? All those meetings!

  5. Just click 3 links down and you will see the hypocrisy.

  6. I say drink and that way you don't miss um when their gone, plenty to replace them with.

  7. I’ve been sober for 8 hours

  8. Great testimony...Many have gone this route and never look back to that horrible time in their lives. But on the other hand Many are still weak, prideful and simply don't want to change. They don't see that they are obnoxious, and are very hurtful to others. They choose to stay in their drunken state most of the time. Wasted life for sure.

  9. I drink very little now a couple of beers once or twice a month but for years I drank heavy.All the problems I've had in my life,and there were many, were a result of drinking.

  10. 918
    You believe in yourself.

    Each of us must believe in ourselves ability to overcome hardship.
    I don't believe in any one else.
    I only believe in myself.


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