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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Can You Guess Where This Picture Was Taken?


  1. From the art museum

  2. Definitely Pittsville. Charlie Baker’s barber shop in the small building in the right. A bank in the block building, and one of the two houses on the left was a funeral home, but I cannot remember the name of the mortician there, or which house it was in.

  3. In the Last of the Good ole days !! That's where

  4. Railroad and Baker, Salisbury, MD

    Nah, Dodge City, KS

  5. Definitely Pittsville, present day intersection of Gumboro Road looking west

  6. Definitely Pittsville. I used to work in the 'block' building on the right. At the time I worked there it was Truckers and Savings Bank. That is Pittsville/Gumboro Rd.

  7. Railroad Station in Salibury MD ???

  8. With the train station where it is may be in Hebron

  9. Frontier Town, 2 years ago

    From the art museum is hilarious!
    Thanks commenter

  10. ocean downs, the horses gave it away

  11. Looks as though it is Pittsville to me. If I am correct, then the building on the hard left of the photo is the old train station, and the small block building in the center is the old Truckers & Savings Bank.

    One thing that is definitively obvious, the economy was more robust when the photo was taken in comparison to now. Wow, what a thriving metropolis.

  12. Well Joe, when are you going to tell us. You might have to repost this at the top because many aren't going to go back several pages to look for it.


  13. My grandfather is standing center street in front of the horse & buggy (with bib overalls)

  14. Lots of wild ass guesses on here. I don't know where it is, but I know it isn't where a lot of people think it is. Main street banks and railroad stations ALL looked like that on the Eastern Shore back in the late 1800's.

  15. There is not one identifying building in that picture that can identify where the picture was taken. Every small town looked like that back it the 1800's. The ones that claim to personally remember a building where the are trying to come up with a memory that fits the picture. Anyone that could truly remember the scene that was photographed, or the buildings that are long gone, died many decades ago. As for that bank, I can show you dozens that look just like that, that have survived, everywhere throughout DelMarVa. Those wood buildings, all mostly gone. Joe, too bad they didn't note where the picture was taken on the old photograph that you found. You are way too late to find anyone who "remembers."

  16. Its Railroad ave in Pittsville.


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