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Sunday, February 18, 2018

BREAKING: Numerous Fatalities at Shooting At Florida High School

There are “numerous fatalities” after a shooting at a Florida high school that left at least 14 victims, Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Robert W. Runcie told reporters, according to multiple reports.

The shooting took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, the Broward County Sheriff’s office said. The shooter is in custody, the sheriff’s office tweeted.



  1. Prediction: The shooter will suddenly die

    Dead men tell no tales

    Happens every time

  2. My heart goes out to these families.

  3. May God bless these families. Now, wait for it, wait for it. It is the gun's fault.

    1. Yup Dems already pusing the “take everyones guns away” propaganda

    2. In your haste to leave a comment like this you failed to realize that 544 was saying "wait for the comments blaming the gun". They probably share your sentiments on gun laws

  4. All of these mass shooters are or were on one or more "medications." Big Pharma is clearly responsible, just as they are for over-producing oxy and other painkillers by the millions.

  5. White teenager (17-18) in custody. Former student.

    1. Non white male 19 years old. Last name of Cruz

  6. Elf waves look into it. Dc sniper and oklamhoma bomber were in the same army unit. Nanobots

  7. Interesting that these 'events' never happen in slow news weeks. Only when major corruption is exposed in DC or Wall St. Serious evidence and analyses that Sandy Hook,Boston,Las Vegas and others
    were false flags. And this one?

  8. This Is Getting totally ridiculous !#@&!!!.....Arm Guards..Arm Teachers Or Right To Carry !! DO IT ASAP !!

    1. I don't know what school you went to but I wouldn't want my teachers armed

    2. The solution is redefining "cruel and unusual" punishment. If you are one of these losers your life will never matter and you'll never have a girlfriend. You go to school and all day long not one person talks to you. You see how famous the media have made every other mass shooter, and it's easy for them to throw away their lives because they have no value.
      I think they would think twice if the next one was slowly tortured over the span of a week or so live on cable and internet. Then instead of the Facebook picture of the shooter posing with their gun, they can show the video of the shooter begging for the sweet release of death.

  9. Prayers for all this is so sad. Nick glad to here you are safe we are praying for you your faimly and your community.

  10. America is going to have to Ramp Up the Death Penalty &
    Inforce it on these Monsters ......Long Overdue !!

    Firing Squad / Electric Chair / Hanging take your Pick !

  11. 6:59 FL is a shall issue carry state and very easy to get permit. Not as easy as PA, but can be done in a day. The average person with a permit would not stand much of a chance against a person armed with AR-15/AK47. To be proficient, you need to train monthly at minimum and weekly is optimal. Look at how many times LEO discharge firearms and hit nothing. They are trained.

    1. Can't carry on school property. Cc are illegal. This is why monsters attack soft targets because no guns they are cowards.

  12. and already the freaks are coming out. Like Chelsea Handler, some pro-gun-control group. They have no shame.

  13. A renewed use for waterboarding? The lives it saves pays for it.

  14. And of course the liberals are already screaming gun control.

  15. "Thoughts and prayers" say the politicians of the country where this continues to happen time and time again.

  16. This man was obviously sick in the head. Expelled from the school, shot it up during a fire drill and then tried to blend in with the students afterwards. Mental illness is clearly a factor. We must also address that the gun gives him the capability to inflict mass casualties. The media will show his name and photo everywhere, glorifying him just like he wants. Other sick individuals will see it and want the same recognition. The cycle will continue because we continue to do nothing.

  17. Society will move on within the week since we are constantly desensitized to these mass casualty incidents due to their frequency in the "best country in the world"

    1. Why don't you move out of country? Litterly nothing stopping you. 900 dollars one flight to Germany Sweden Canada? Bye ?

    2. Yeah, if you don't like MY country just leave. I don't take kindly to no constructive criticism about MY country.

  18. CNN and MSNBC must be in chaos, having to report an actual real news story.

  19. BREAKING: America will do nothing, as usual

  20. Don't worry. It could never happen around here with all the responsible MAGA gun owners.

    1. 10:13. I think your comment went right over their head. Imagine that!

  21. The shooter is Cuban, get your story straight.

  22. Who has controlled our schools for the past 30 years. Democrats. Their sinful Godless policies have brought us where we are. Don't like our schools? Thank a Democrat. Like having the unborn murd ered and hacked up for sale? Thank a democrat. Like having MS13 everywhere? Thank a democrat. I could go on butbwhat's the point. We need to get guns out of the hands of democrats, if it saves one life, it will be worth it.

  23. 10:19
    Perhaps a relative of Ted Cruz?

  24. The shooter is just as illegal as Senator Ted Cruz. Look at his pic. He is whiter than most of you rednecks.

  25. 6:39 YOUR country my A$$! It's our country and don't you forget it. Not just for white people anymore.

  26. These cases need to be Tried as a Terrorist Case ,
    Monster turned over to the Military , Tried & Shot !! Period

  27. This guy is now a villain, if he would have went to a woods in NY, say where Hillary Clinton stalks, and let loose on her, he would be a Hero!

  28. Enforce Death Penalty or there will just be more & more !!!

  29. Are gun rights to the extreme that they will not accept any type of gun control? Is there any compromise on this issue? Do any hunters need assault weapons? What about my rights that do not want weapons in public places, especially schools and bars?


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