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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Breaking News: Wicomico Council President John Cannon Purchases Over Nine Million Dollars In Rental Properties

It was only Salisbury News that called out Council President John Cannon for not recusing himself when he voted to DROP county property taxes recently. In fact, here are two articles we delivered on that exact matter HERE and HERE
There's probably no doubt that Cannon was in negotiations at that time to purchase Stu Leer's properties, worth millions. An inquiry needs to take place with the ethics board. 

Cannon is quoted as saying he will be on the ballot in the upcoming elections but refuses to say what he will be running for. We also found it very questionable that Cannon has sat as Council President for four years. Traditionally Council Members swapped that seat each year.

The Good Ol' Boys are alive and well and the Cannon Family is now probably the largest Landlord organization and property owners in all of Wicomico County. 

County and City residents are a glutton for punishment (if you ask me). You see, very few of you step up to the plate, much like Donald Trump and run for office for all the right reasons.

I'm reaching out to Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver to call for a formal investigation on this matter and shame on the rest of the crooked media for covering this up. The sale/purchase was made two weeks ago. 

An individual that holds the largest majority of rental properties in Wicomico County does NOT belong in any position to make such decisions. 


  1. How much money do these greedy bastards need? The Salisbury rental industry is bad for the city, and takes advantage of the neediest people in the city. If you are looking for the definition of pure greed you need look no further than this article. The voters in the city of Salisbury and Wicomico County have to absolutely be the dumbest voters ever.

  2. Stu Leer was one of the biggest slumlords that has ever been in Salisbury.

  3. Welcome to the world of politics. That is the way it is today, because it was the same when we were born and 100 years ago.

  4. 11:46, You are absolutely wrong. Trump was elected because of this crap. America proved they demand an end to this crap and we the people of the Eastern Shore, (who, by the way, overwhelmingly voted Trump) need to do our job to eliminate crooked politics forever. We need to take our country back from these people. And you people wonder why politicians get so rich, HELLLLLOOOOO!

  5. Who is Stu Leer? I have only heard of Terry Sells (GNI) Donald Copes Eric Davis as the local slum/landlords

  6. Congratulations Cannon, you're the king of a pile of sh**.

  7. Okay wait, I get that this is sleazy, since he benefits so much. But don't all county residents in fact benefit from this? I mean what were the alternatives? They left the county tax rate the same or they upped it? I'm asking because I don't know not to try and make a point.

  8. How hard did he work for this life??

    1. John Cannon is a member of the lucky sperm club.

  9. If it weren't for JOE and this BLOG then he would have gotten away with it.
    And might still get away with it.

    This is how local politics have always worked.
    The richest people get all of the laws passed to benefit themselves.

  10. Slumlord is slumlord and it doesn't matter how hard you worked to get there.
    It's like saying "yeah, I smoke crack, but I I've worked hard to be the best".....

    1. How so? Examples are totally different and totally ridiculous. Multimillionaire Property owner vs heavy cocaine user? You snowflakes are good for a chuckle

  11. No different than Trump's tax cut. All property owners get a small break and the rich ones get a huge break.

    1. Liberalism is a mental disorder you should apply for disability if your not already collecting a check. Nice Subaru! Ha

  12. Hmmm, so should a businessman who stands to make millions off tax reform be in a position to re-write tax laws? I am aware his company is now in a blind trust to his family. There's no way they'll ever talk business!

    1. I'm saving 1700 dollars on my taxes. My pension stock it up and I'm getting a pay raise. Pedal your Democrat socialist religion to a snowflake that doesn't no any better.

  13. 11:50.....you haven't supported President Donald J. Trump any more than I have. The dude Cannon did it didn't he, so how is my statement wrong? Looks like a done fact to me.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  14. Joe ! good job you are very correct John has been in the good ole boy network for years and so is Gillis construction.I have watched this for the last 40 years.

  15. Don't know if this is correct, but I was told Bob and Ginny Malone are partners with Stu Leer who married Ginny Malone's sister.

  16. What’s the problem? Trump and Kushnet own all sorts of property.

  17. When Joe Albero said "We need to take our country back...." he hit the nail on the head..with a sledge hammer! Nothing is going to change until We,the People demand and hold elected reps. accountable.

    Joe,Thank you for all you do.

  18. being the council president of a shithole county like wicomico county must pay really well in order for this guy to qualify for a 9 million dollar loan to buy rental properties.

    1. He probably doesnt need a loan...

  19. Greed trickles down.

  20. 5:59 It doesn't work like that. The property and the rental income are what make a portfolio qualify for a loan along with existing properties that the purchaser pledges as collateral. You don't even need a job to get a commercial loan if you have assets.

  21. Joe - there is a silver lining here. If John Cannon becomes one of Wicomico's largest real estate tax payers, he'll be prone to try and quell any tax increases, period. In which case the prime beneficiaries will be Wicomico County residents.

  22. Guess what else? Because this is a business loan the interest is fully deductible and not capped like a personal residence loan. Thanks, Trump.

    1. I think your incorrect and a Russian robot. So please explain the tax law!

    2. 716 Not true. Tax code is online read it moron.

  23. 6:43 doesn't hurt when your a councilman either,bankers like a politician.

  24. I guess That’s why he sold off all the timber and had his Delmar properties clear cut.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe - there is a silver lining here. If John Cannon becomes one of Wicomico's largest real estate tax payers, he'll be prone to try and quell any tax increases, period. In which case the prime beneficiaries will be Wicomico County residents.

    Ditto that -- Salisbury is a prime example of how taxes skyrocket when there are non-property owners on the council and fools like Liarton.

    It's much better for the rest of us to have property owners and businessmen like Trump, Hogan and Cannon in office.

  26. I guess this means that it is unethical for those in Congress or the state legislature to vote for lower income taxes if they own a business, hold a job for wages, own stock, etc. That's just as absurd as this rant against Cannon.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Don't know if this is correct, but I was told Bob and Ginny Malone are partners with Stu Leer who married Ginny Malone's sister.

    January 29, 2018 at 3:14 PM

    If you don't know it then you are spreading rumours. Very telling of this blog.

  28. As the black man said "Ohhhh you is so green, Joseph

  29. Under the new tax code, personal residence mortgage interest is limited to the first $750k of a loan originating after 12/15/17. Commercial loan interest is not capped regardless of whether it is secured by real estate or other collateral. Ask a CPA. How many of you keyboard accountants own businesses?

  30. 6:41 PM yes and it is not solely a Cannon issue, there are others on the council with questionable associations, including family members being on the board of a local bank

  31. L&M Property have maintained property as responsible owners. Served the needs of the community for reasonable housing. Conform to building codes, Health Department regulations and treated clients with respect
    Making profits as invested capitalists should be entitled to earn. Not “slum “ landlords. Cannon Partners will do the same as responsible landlords

  32. B Carragher, you have no idea what you’re talking about. My work has brought me into homes owned by the rental owners discussed here. The ones I’ve seen are not code compliant. You wouldn’t want anyone you love living in them. This is not a few. It is many. Taking advantage of poor neighborhoods and poor people isn’t okay; and the rent is exhorbanant.

  33. Please wake up children ... This is just another Hit piece on a Prominent Republican Representative who happens to be a successful businessman

    The allegations of impropriety are Strictly based on his party affiliations and nothing more

    Those who serve are entitled to conduct business outside of the small amount of there time it takes to participate as 1 vote in local government to provide a livelihood for themselves and there families

    Investments numbers blind some people ,especially those with small minds and no understanding of cost vs profit

    John Cannon has served this City with dignity and is undeserving of such litigious accusations simply based on his business acumen and party affiliation

    Shame on you

  34. 7:57 PM

    Supporting a slum lord?
    Dilapidated property's with high rents not fit for habitation?
    You support that?


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