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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Breaking News: Russia is likely to meddle in the 2018 U.S. elections in an another attempt to sow political divisions, intelligence officials told senators

As the midterm elections approach, Russia is likely to throw more propaganda at Americans, using people sympathetic to their messages and fake personalities on social media — many of them run by bots — to sow further political and social divisions in the United States, American intelligence chiefs said on Tuesday.

The intelligence officials offered their caution during testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s annual hearing on worldwide threats, and said that Russia believes its interference in the 2016 presidential election largely achieved its chief aim — weakening faith in the American democracy. Moscow now sees the coming Congressional elections as a chance to build on its gains, they said.


  1. Russians ha lol i call BS.OUR politicans have single handidly eroded our faith in the system due to the subversion of our system by enemies of the state in both parties

    Mr Trump along with we the people plan to take it back from these treasonious scum

    1. Yes! with Putin’s help.

    2. Evidence of clintons colluded with Russia. ZERO evidence of Trump colluding but you just keep saying whatever Clinton says. Liberalism is a disease of the brain.

  2. Another trip down the rabbit hole is coming up, and we're not even out of the 2016 one.

  3. This is NOTHING NEW. period...Russia,China and Many others have been doing this for many years. The U.S. has been doing this to other countries as well.

  4. I will call Putin when I have a couple minutes and axe him to knock it off. It is costing too much in tax dollars to check out this "matter".

  5. So what they are really saying is a democrats are staging a massive cheating scandal in the coming election I don't buy this BS. The NWO goons of the deep state are in full protection mode and they see their power grip slipping away. They are godless evil men who lie, deceive and cheat to get their way. They will stop at nothing to instill their God satan.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 13, 2018 at 7:00 PM

    So these Intelligence Officers are warning us? Oh, really? Will the Russian hackers be "infiltrating" minds of US citizens on Election night? The only question remains - are those "Intelligence Officers" really that stupid or are the Russki Hackers really that good?

  7. 1152
    I agree.

    There are no real enemies of the US government, other than We the People.


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