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Friday, February 02, 2018

Breaking News: House Republicans released a secret memo claiming abuses against President Trump in the Russia inquiry

The House Intelligence Committee made the memo public after a week of pleading from senior national security officials not to disclose the classified details, reading it aloud on a conference call with reporters after President Trump declassified the memo.


  1. Post it Joe when you find it..

  2. They were investigating him for his many ties to Russia what did he expect? The FBI to skim over the contacts in his phone or something?

  3. Perfect:


    -Dossier is FAKE
    -FBI knew the dossier was FAKE
    –@HillaryClinton /@DNC paid for dossier
    –@Comey, Yates, McCabe, Rosenstein misled FISA courts…
    –@FBI worked with @TheDemocrats to go after @realDonaldTrump #MEMOday

    — Julian Assange ⌛ (@TheRealJuIian) February 2, 2018

  4. Huh 1:11? Having "ties to Russia" is NOT a crime! Stop watching CNN and educate yourself. A presidential candidate, their team, etc can have all the ties to Russia in the world. Again it is NOT illegal. And YES genius going over phone records would be the way to go about it and not rely on a National Inquire like unverified piece of garbage. Looking over records for contact between know Russian State operative or whatever But NOT a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign.

  5. They used the dossier to obtain the warrant along with a yahoo news story. The FBI used the yahoo story to "give credibility" to the dossier. The yahoo news story was leaked by Steele himself to yahoo.

  6. 1:11, what ties please share. (map)

  7. Obama and Clinton had and have ties to Russia.


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