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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Breaking News: The F.B.I. director contradicted the White House timeline of what it knew about Rob Porter, an aide ousted over domestic abuse allegations

Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, contradicted on Tuesday the White House timeline about the domestic abuse scandal involving Rob Porter, the president’s former staff secretary. Mr. Wray said that the bureau delivered to the White House a partial report on problems in Mr. Porter’s background in March, months earlier than the White House has admitted receiving the information.

Mr. Porter, one of President Trump’s top aides, was forced to resign last week after allegations of abuse by his two ex-wives were made public, sparking a week of shifting explanations by White House officials about who knew about Mr. Porter’s past and when they knew it.


  1. Sorry, but I would trust the White House before the FBI...

  2. The very point of the White House attempting to discredit: the FBI, the Attorney General , Judges , the Press/Media the Justice Department and others is EXACTLY what they want to occur. Gee..... is this happening in Turkey, Venezuela, Philippines and in years past NAZI Germany.

    Putin wins...democracy looses

  3. I would worry more about a brazenly corrupt FBI and politicians before I worry about single individuals crimes in their private lives that are being handled by the court system.

  4. The FBI is discrediting themselves and the only thing similar to the nazi party and a dictatorship is the democrat party.
    Let me educate you 1:21 since you are obviously a dumbed down product of the US "education" system. Nazis believed in free health care and college and guaranteed jobs. They forbid smoking, banned guns, promoted euthanasia and abortion. They maintained racial quotas in universities and monitored speech. I can go on and on with just how alike the Nazi party is to the democrat party but I would like you to name 1 that's one just one similarity to the White House and the Nazi party. Bet we don't hear back from you because all you people do is repeat the lies and propaganda that is rammed down your pathetically ignorant throats. It's gross how low you have allowed yourselves to sink. Your party was right when they self described as "nasty." You people are nasty as in gross and putrid.

  5. Dear 3:41, where have you been lately?
    Supporting White supremacists
    Attacking the free press
    Attacking CIA, FBI DOJ
    Attacking Judges due to their nationality
    Calling majority Black and Muslim countries shit holes and disallowing folks from their countries in.
    Should I go on. Hatred and LIES, LIES , LIES spew from Trumps mouth each and every day This administration IS indeed the most divisive and racist that has existed in modern times


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