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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Boy Bullied At Philly School Wakes Up To Racist Graffiti On Home

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Joey Messina is soft-spoken.

A first honors student at Mastery Charter Thomas Campus, the 12-year-old loves baseball, but Joey can’t shake the troublemakers at school.

“They don’t like me, they never did,” he says.

Overnight, this seventh-grader’s schoolyard differences followed him home, spray-painted for all to see on his South Philadelphia home where he lives with his parents and two younger siblings.

The threatening racially-charged words cut deep.

“I turned around and just went, ‘Oh my God.’ I called him and said, ‘Hurry up, get out here and look at this,’” Margaux Messina, Joey’s mom, said.


1 comment:

  1. Surprised it was reported by the news...The best part was this Hispanic man wearing a MAGA hat...


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