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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Billionaire Democrat Petitions Supreme Court to Keep Surfers Off His Beach

A Silicon Valley billionaire and Democratic mega-donor is petitioning the Supreme Court to take up his four-year battle to keep surfers off of his private beach.

Vinod Khosla struck it rich as the co-founder of Sun Microsystems in the 1980s. Since making his fortune, he has made headlines for donating more than $1 million to Democratic politicians and organizations, as well as for his legal crusade to keep his private Martins Beach beachfront inaccessible to the public.

Under state law, the California Coastal Commission must approve any new coastline development or any changes to the amount of access the public has to a beach. When Khosla purchased 53 acres of land in 2008, he blocked off beaches that had previously been open to the public, without seeking a permit from the commission.

Khosla argues that it is an infringement of his property rights to force him to allow surfers and other beach-goers onto his private property.

More here


  1. Only in California.
    No...wait... It is happening right now on MANY beaches in Lewes, Fenwick, and Bethany!
    NO access to the Delaware beach in many areas along that corridor.
    Then they have the gall to demand that the government (taxpayers) pay for beach replenishment on their private beaches.
    I've seen aerial photos of mobs of people packing the few public beaches in that area - so many that the parking lots close.
    Then the photo shows about 10 or 20 people PER BLOCK enjoying the beach outside their million+ dollar homes.
    We've let it happen here, so why the big deal of it happening in looney-tunes California?

  2. Ocean City will be very interested in how this plays out.....

  3. Too little too late.. This will have no effect on the Assateague property the govt STOLE from my uncle..

  4. Ironically, it was the National Security Agency that made this guy rich enough to purchase his "private beach".

  5. Dude! The public beach is public until the public says it isn't, which is where the permit thing comes into play.

  6. Makes me ill to even think that he feels the beach belongs to him. Maybe he can move next to a volcano and claim the surroundings - until it blows. Hate rich entitled people. Ugly from within.

  7. The "private property" he claims is PUBLIC PROPERTY.

    They want socialism until THEY have to share.
    It's hilarious.
    And hypocritical to the Nth degree.

  8. You don't own the world no matter how much money you have.

  9. Typical democrat. It belongs to everyone, unless I own it!!

  10. But when dems are in charge anything goes.

  11. Ricky see's dollars signs for OC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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