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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Backstabbers! Republicans betray American taxpayers

While American taxpayers were nestled snug in their beds, congressional Republicans were plotting to pass the second-largest spending increase in a decade.

The Republican-controlled Congress voted to raise caps on spending by $300 billion over the next two years. There are some estimates that suggest the bill will increase government spending by $1.5 trillion.

Shame on us for taking the Republicans at their word. These are the same rapscallions who promised to cut spending and reduce the size of government.

There is no question that the U.S. armed forces need every penny allocated in the budget. But domestic spending is out of control.

Republicans said they had no choice but to approve the spending increase because Democrats were willing to hold the military hostage.



  1. Just proves my point that Republicans have no spine and stand up for what Republicans stand for. One thing for sure is the Democrats will come hell or high water. All Politians are there just to become rich and screw the underdog / middleclass. Republicans could have cut Foreign Aide until the US gets a balanced budget and eliminate the deficit.

    1. Why don't you run for President in 20/20. You seem to have all the answers. Democrats raised the debt. Started with Obama and now President Trump is cleaning up the mess except the ever spending democrats with their pork bellies make it very difficult to maintain a budget. They have to take money to their home state so they can get re-elected.

  2. Oh. Yes, they **want** to pay for ^^their^^ (nwo puppet masters) plans for brainwashing all. They, the Mindless Ones (liberals) have stunted brain growth (twittter phones!) So they are so essily ***CONtrolled!@* (bots! For Soroes!@@))

  3. NO that's the DEMON-CRATS !!!!

  4. If Trump doesn't stop the spending spree he will lose his support base and if that happens Republicans will lose control of the congress and Trump's presidency is basically finished.I hope that doesn't happen but he needs to get a handle on crazy spending.

    1. Untrue. Obama lost two trillion dollars and never looked for it. He then spent 10 trillion dollars in 8 years with nothing to show for it but Obamacare. He won both elections landslide victories. People don't care they just want a little breathing room in house hold income. Trump is providing that with the best tax cost of 50 years. President Trump Won and will win again. Fyi he could lose congress and senate like most presidents do and it will not effect his election.

    2. Agree. Also, Obama left the white house with more money than when he entered. How does a public servant do that - maybe Iran has the answer.

  5. And we'll end up paying for it down the line. Tax churches and be done with the deficit.

  6. Both parties have been betraying us since the "free trade deals" that started with Nixon back in the seventies and then the nineties with Nafta, Gatt, and other sell out agreements.

    They only represent their own self interests and not the the American peoples. We are seeing this now with the issues concerning immigration and with automation technology outsourcing in insourcing our jobs. At least the push back has started and people are waking up to what is, and has been going on for the past 40 plus years!

  7. This is lead by John McCain, head Traitor!

    1. John McCain will never let President .Trump win anything after Trump made a statement about McCain not being a hero because Mc Cain was captured. After learning about McCains background he probably got caught showing off in that very expensive aircraft that crashed.

  8. The 2 Party system is an illusion.
    Both political parties work for the international bankers.

    Why do you think Mr. Trump is under attack?
    He is being attacked by his own Party!

    Think about things as they are, not as the media wants you to believe.

  9. Couldn't compromise while Obama was President, still can't now with Trump.

    Hope ALL are seeing "who" the problem really is! CONgress- they are the true SWAMP!


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