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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Atheist group wants Bible verse mural scrubbed from Ohio city hall

An anti-religion activist group is threatening to sue the city of Findlay, Ohio for a mural in the municipal building that shows an eagle and a bible verse.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a cease-and-desist letter to Flag City USA on Feb. 1, claiming the mural is unconstitutional because it “conveys government support for religion” through the phrase “Under His wings shall you find refuge,” and the corresponding Scripture reference, “Psalms 91.”

The mural was painted in 2011 by a group of local artists to symbolize the protection of the community, and dovetailed with the theme of that year’s National Day of Prayer. The same year, FFRF challenged the proclamation, but the atheist and agnostic group’s case was struck down by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals due to lack of standing.

Wisconsin-based FFRF said a "concerned citizen" alerted them about the mural. City officials say they've never received an objection to the mural and FFRF's own complaint inaccurately identifies the location of the piece.

“Maybe the Atheist Club in Madison, Wisconsin has nothing better to worry about but our mural in Findlay,” Mihalik told Fox News.

More here


  1. Don't you think it's strange that atheists fight so hard to erase something they don't believe exist?

  2. Very simple. It's Freedom OF Religion, not freedom FROM religion. It's in the Constitution, Amendment #1, "Congress (please remember this word) shall make no law( and they have not) respecting a religion, or the prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and petition the government for the redress of grievances."

    That's the whole thing!

    Why groups knuckle under to these freaks is that they simply do not know their protections under the Constitution. This Amendment protects all those confederate statues as well and presents a Federal crime for defacing any of them.

    It's a shame Law enforcement os completely clueless of what this law is, or is simply ignoring the gravity of it.

    The pocket Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and all other Amendments in a pocket sized shirt pocket easily readable print size is only 45 pages including the Table of Contents and the Index.

    It's NOT a tough read, really and could be read 100 times in a day and leave time for meals!

    You should try it.

  3. Oh, these pocket copies are available at any Senate or House Representative's offices in town. Funny, though, the Democrat offices are never manned, always closed. However, Andy Harris has a staffed and open office in the first floor of the Gallery Building downtown Salisbury that is open most hours. Check in with Andy at his website for hours and services, and heck he might just mail you a few copies!

    https://harris.house.gov/contact/email He's a really great guy and WILL send you a copy. I highly recommend this man.

  4. This is to all you Atheists. I am a child of God, and as you try to remove him I shal glorify him in everything I do. You can never make my God go away. My prayer today is for you because I don't hate you for not loving my God, rather I feel sad you don't know him. God please bless the ones that don't know touch them the way you have touched so many, show them your love for them and show them the truth and the light.

  5. tell them PACK SAND!

  6. They know exactly what they can go do to themselves.

  7. The fish looks none too happy.

  8. Somebody who is bothered by this needs to get a life...always the victim.

  9. @8:44 PM

    Hi! An atheist here for you! Just to help you out, you are right! It would be strange to do what you said.

    The funny thing is, that's not what atheists do, nor is it what the FFRF does.

    That is why what you claim seems so strange.

    We are happy for you to believe in, well, what ever it is that makes you happy. We just don't want you to force the rest of us into it via the government.

    We want you to leave Science classes to science.

    We want for you to stop trying to ratchet your religion into everything.

    YOU get freedom of religion FOR YOU. Not for you to shove it down everyone else's throat.

    That's what we fight against.

    You may find it hard to believe... but I very much support your right and freedom to have your religion, and I would fight and defend for you and for that right.

    Just don't bludgeon us over the head with it please.

  10. @8:44 PM

    Hi! An atheist here for you! Just to help you out, you are right! It would be strange to do what you said.

    The funny thing is, that's not what atheists do, nor is it what the FFRF does.

    That is why what you claim seems so strange.

    We are happy for you to believe in, well, what ever it is that makes you happy. We just don't want you to force the rest of us into it via the government.

    We want you to leave Science classes to science.

    We want for you to stop trying to ratchet your religion into everything.

    YOU get freedom of religion FOR YOU. Not for you to shove it down everyone else's throat.

    That's what we fight against.

    You may find it hard to believe... but I very much support your right and freedom to have your religion, and I would fight and defend for you and for that right.

    Just don't bludgeon us over the head with it please.

  11. A couple of things this article gets wrong.

    First, the FFRF is NOT an anti-religion activist group. AT best whomever claims this know nothing about the FFRF and has spent no time researching them, or at worst they are flat out lying.

    The FFRF does defend the rights of all Americans to ensure that our freedoms are respected, and that the government does not impose religion via a majority population of a particular religion, thus violating the establishment clause as upheld multiple times by the courts.

    Seems like we have a lot of "armchair" legal experts here who don't understand that law.

    Another flaw that almost all articles like this has, is that is argues that the number of people for, and the number of people against something is relevant to how legal something is.

    Let me clear this up for you. It's either legal or it's not, and how many people feel one way or the other about it is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. On that note, how long something has been breaking the law is also irrelevant to whether it is legal or not.

    It's a government building, not a Religious building, nor is it private property, so this mural has no business or purpose being there. It is clearly a violation of the establishment clause.

    You know it is.

    Ask yourself... what is the purpose of the mural? I think you know the answer.

    Remember, Christians, you are not special. You are not being persecuted. You are being made to follow the same laws that we all are.. you are being treated just as every other religious group would be.

  12. Oh, atheist's have been extremely active since Billy Graham's death. Woe to the people of the United States.


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