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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

AFL-CIO Unions Prod Employers to Hide Illegal Migrants From Enforcement Agencies

The Democratic Party’s allies in the AFL-CIO’s unions are pressuring unions and companies to protect illegal-alien migrant employees from deportation, effectively converting the pro-worker unions into wage-cutting front-groups for employers.

The conversion is described by the New York Daily News, which showed how progressive lawyers train local Teamster union leaders to negotiate workplace contracts which minimize employers’ cooperation with immigration enforcement agencies. The article says:

At a Wednesday class, funded by the Consortium for Worker Education, Mike Spinelli of Local 553 listened carefully as trainer Luba Cortés walked everyone through the difference between an administrative warrant and a judicial one. …

Spinelli paid particular attention because many of his members — immigrants who work at a Long Island dairy farm — were profoundly shaken when federal [immigration enforcement] agents raided nearly 100 7-Eleven stores last month in a search for undocumented workers.

“We deliver all the dairy to all the 7-Eleven stores in the city — you can imagine how scared some of these guys are,” he said. “It’s a scary time in general, and we’re hoping this can help the workers feel prepared and help protect them — and also so employers know they don’t have to just roll over.”


[Sounds like a good way to lose your business. --Editor]


  1. As a former union rep and afl-cio rep I'm would be embarrassed to be affiliated with this agenda today. We were all about taking care of America and it's workforce not this political bullshit today

  2. So the AFL-CIO says it approves of illegal immigrants taking jobs away from American citizens who want/need the job?

    IN whose mind does this seem logical?

  3. 2:57 - Unions are not embarrassed by anything any longer. Unions are scum, just like the clintons and 0bamas.


  4. Immigrants are the last big hope for survival of the unions.


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