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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Above The Law?

A Wicomico County Board of Education employee clearly violating the No Parking Zone behind the Wawa store on South Salisbury Blvd around 10:45 AM on 02-15-2018. Looks like he was hiding his work truck.


  1. More teachers less useless tax sucking board of no educations.

    See these terms are a deep state NWO, LIBTARD sound bites.
    Always Means the opposite of what they state.
    I.e patriot act - nothing patrotic about it
    board of education- waste of tax dollars to dumb down our nation
    Homeland security - yea right!!A more porous border since 911
    FBI- federal boondoggle of ineptitude

    See now you try

  2. Board of Education?

    “It’s for the children”. Quit bitching!

  3. Looks like the truck driven by the one and only Bill Frish. And he is one special person if you do not think so just ask him. A arrogant know it all nothing who has the board of ed fooled of course that not to say much.

    1. Actually it’s not his truck. Not even close. So, next time you want to spout off, check your facts.
      And thank you for showing us just how stupid and uninformed you are.

    2. It’s not Frisch’s truck. But you’re right about him being an a$$.

    3. Many have them fooled.

  4. Must be pretty nice having a 60-70,000 dollar company vehicle to ride around in. Same goes for the city. Look around the city/county and Dee just how your tax dollars are being wasted. So much effort to to use up and keep getting budgets approved

    1. Exaggerated.... more like a 25k truck.

  5. Glad our tax dollars can fuel his lunch run

  6. Playing hide/seek again? You lost AGAIN!
    That makes you STUPID AGAIN!

    You are aware, doing the same thing over and over and over expecting the same result is a sign of Stupidity in Da'bury!

    Only cure is full embarrassment AND job termination!

  7. Good catch 6:27 i (6:01) missed one thanks!!9

  8. Is that Gary Elzey's truck?? Tiring having to ride around and check on staff all day!

  9. Shhhh, nobody's supposed to know.

  10. The board will be crying to Culver on the 22nd of March for 10 million dollars. I am sure Smile to your face stab your back HOY from dork wic will be there begging too.

  11. Idiots he was there picking up supplies for a class event, look at the letters on the tailgate....Obama Prepared Special Meal he was instructed to pull up there so they could come out with his purchased food items!!!!!

  12. As a taxpayer I would like to know who drives that truck and WTF does he think he is?? Why isn't that BOE employee working? Why is he at the Wawa store? He needs to be written of if not fired.

  13. One thing about it, you can't deny who was driving that truck. You have the date, time, tag number and vehicle number. Termination is in order in my book.

  14. Yea it's Bill's truck. But the board won't do anything.

  15. My name is Bill, and I can do no wrong. Ain't thing one you can do about that!


  17. Man, the worker bees are stirred up today. Sucks to be at the bottom of the totem pole.

  18. They don't need to do anything....everyone is entitled to a break!

  19. Do you all think maybe he went to get a part at the store to fix something and was grabbing something to eat on his way back... They are given 30 minutes for lunch... As far as parked where he is that truck is long and the store might have been busy... So friggin what unless he was parked there for hours and left it running move on about your day. I have seen a bunch of people park there before like ambulances, police subs, delivery trucks for the store and on and on. All I see in the picture is someone stopped at a store. Had this been in the middle of no where then yes that's cause for concern but to call for someone to be fired for stopping to grab lunch is just ridiculous.

  20. Bill knows everything.He is another Earl Weaver too. Just ask him.

  21. Bill likes bragging how much of the B.O.E. money he has to spend. Hey Bill its not your money its the taxpayers money you dork.

  22. Joe,

    This may be a surprise to you. Traffic signs and parking signs / marking on Private property are more of a suggestion then enforceable law. I tell you this because I pointed out to a Queens Anne's County Sheriff Deputy that he might want to write stop sign volatilization citations at one of the entrances at Kent Town Center on Kent Island. He told me the doing so was a gray area and the only thing he could do at most was wright a warning citation.

    However there is nothing stopping property owners from towing vehicles from there properties they deem in violation of the use of their property.


  23. at least the truck doesn't have a sign on it saying deer corn for sale

  24. Just setting the record straight. Not Frisch’s truck. Second, all employees are afforded a lunch break and 2 fifteen minute breaks and it’s no ones business where they go or what they do. Certain employees are given take home vehicles which are part of their salary and THEY PAY TAXES on them.

  25. Not above the law. That no-parking zone "law" is a ordinance that lawmen ignore. Now a government employee attempting to hide a government vehicle from public view, while they are supposedly on official business...well, that's a personnel matter.

  26. Just setting the record straight. Not Frisch’s truck. Second, all employees are afforded a lunch break and 2 fifteen minute breaks and it’s no ones business where they go or what they do. Certain employees are given take home vehicles which are part of their salary and THEY PAY TAXES on them.

    February 22, 2018 at 9:07 AM:

    That "afternoon lunch break" doesn't mean parking your government provided vehicle in a no parking zone, BEHIND A CONVENIENCE STORE" to avoid detection of your time away from the vehicle. You seem to know so much about who's truck it is (or isn't), why don't you go public with it, or is your defense of the personal responsible for that vehicle, is because it is you?

  27. Anonymous said...
    Actually it’s not his truck. Not even close. So, next time you want to spout off, check your facts.
    And thank you for showing us just how stupid and uninformed you are.

    February 21, 2018 at 7:21 PM

    OK then whose truck is it? Clearly there is a tag number and a truck number so it was assigned to someone? Whose truck is it Bill? Whose is it Big Guy!

    1. Ok smart mouth. It’s Gary Elzey’s...operations manager. Wasn’t the “OPS” on the back of the vehicle a clue for you Sherlock?
      Like I said. Stupid and uniformed...now times two.

  28. Donna Hanlin has turned out to be a worse superintendent than John Fredericksen. You can't send in a woman to do a mans job. Shame on that pathetic group of Board of Education members. And most of them want to be elected in 2018.

    1. Wow. You are an idiot to make that comment. Hanlin has done more in 2 years than any previous superintendent. She is a breath of fresh air.

  29. If everyone is so concerned about it, why don't you do your due diligence and call to find out who the truck does belong to. Grinds my gears that so many people think they know everything, when in fact, they do not. You will find out that the truck does not belong to Frisch. I hope you come back here and offer a report and then an apology to him. But, I'm sure that won't happen. No one's objective here is to actually be right.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Actually it’s not his truck. Not even close. So, next time you want to spout off, check your facts.
    And thank you for showing us just how stupid and uninformed you are.

    February 21, 2018 at 7:21 PM

    Ok Bill Frish, now thanks for commenting your CYA comment. Go get your beauty sleep now, nighty night.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Is that Gary Elzey's truck?? Tiring having to ride around and check on staff all day!

    February 21, 2018 at 7:26 PM

    Huh?? What did you say?

  32. Anonymous said...
    Board of Education?

    “It’s for the children”. Quit bitching!

    February 21, 2018 at 6:27 PM


    Their favorite saying "It's for the children." πŸ™…πŸŽ“πŸ™…πŸŽ“πŸ™…πŸŽ“

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who has picked up on that stupid comment to tug at the heart strings of the stupid.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Actually it’s not his truck. Not even close. So, next time you want to spout off, check your facts.
    And thank you for showing us just how stupid and uninformed you are.

    February 21, 2018 at 7:21 PM

    Ok Dummy Bill, Whose 🚚🚚🚚🚚 is it?

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More teachers less useless tax sucking board of no educations.

    See these terms are a deep state NWO, LIBTARD sound bites.
    Always Means the opposite of what they state.
    I.e patriot act - nothing patrotic about it
    board of education- waste of tax dollars to dumb down our nation
    Homeland security - yea right!!A more porous border since 911
    FBI- federal boondoggle of ineptitude

    See now you try

    February 21, 2018 at 6:01 PM

    WTH did you just say?

  35. Anonymous said...
    Good catch 6:27 i (6:01) missed one thanks!!9

    February 21, 2018 at 7:21 PM

    Missed what??

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This may be a surprise to you. Traffic signs and parking signs / marking on Private property are more of a suggestion then enforceable law. I tell you this because I pointed out to a Queens Anne's County Sheriff Deputy that he might want to write stop sign volatilization citations at one of the entrances at Kent Town Center on Kent Island. He told me the doing so was a gray area and the only thing he could do at most was wright a warning citation.

    However there is nothing stopping property owners from towing vehicles from there properties they deem in violation of the use of their property.


    February 22, 2018 at 7:51 AM

    This is absolutely false. So you are saying that the police can't investigate a motor vehicle accident in the parking lot of Wawa and it is not inforceable because it is private property. Bullsh!t! The fire lane and handicap violations are enforceable with large fines. If you do believe me start parking in them and then try to beat it in court. Wrong answer because they are all code violations and it most charters.

  37. I don't care who the truck is assigned to. I do care that this idiot who parked behind the building in a no parking zone is on my dime. We as taxpayers expect accountability and this person is not only in violation, but they are also wasting our tax dollars because they are supposed to be working, not taking a break at the local coffee shop. How many other employees at the school board get to get in their personal vehicles and run to Wawa for a cup of coffee and a snack? Not many so what gives this jerk off that right. If they are on some kind of run which requires using that truck and gas it is not Ok for them to go shopping. If they need a break then they should get back to the office and take their break then.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The board will be crying to Culver on the 22nd of March for 10 million dollars. I am sure Smile to your face stab your back HOY from dork wic will be there begging too.

    February 21, 2018 at 7:32 PM

    I think it's going to be more than $13 Million requested from the BOE for school renovations. Renovations that wouldn't have been needed if the WCBOE did their F'g jobs and made sure maintenance was done on these schools. They quit hiring school teachers, substitutes and others many years ago so they could let the schools look dilapidated and need replacing. The was the Superintendents M.O. Some of you might remember the crews that painted the schools all Summer long but they were disbanded for this purpose. Even Peter Franchot, the Maryland State Comptroller, is pissed and said 3 years ago that the school systems needed to start maintaining their schools. Say NO to the Board of Education.

    1. They stopped hiring teachers and subsitutes to make the schools look bad.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    February 21, 2018 at 11:00 PM

    Some Liberal Douche Bag who slops at the Government Troughs is calling us a SNOWFLAKE. Those morons are the❄️❄️❄️❄️'s. Those Liberal idiots can't think for themselves so they have to steal our terminology. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  40. Anonymous said...
    They don't need to do anything....everyone is entitled to a break!

    February 21, 2018 at 11:29 PM

    That is correct, but they don't need to be making a coffee, breakfast or lunch run to any store. They can take a break at their place of employment without wasting our gas and putting wear and tear on our damn $70,000 vehicles.

  41. Actually, most BOE employees (at the main office) get an hour for lunch. The school employees only get 30 minutes.

    On another note, illegal parking is illegal parking and this does nothing to improve the public opinion of our BOE. BOE maintenance staff and some Transportation staff regularly park in the emergency lane at many schools...are they so special that they can't park in a parking spot like everyone else? Disgusts me.

  42. @ February 22, 2018 at 12:05 PM

    As to motor vehicle collisions, reports can be filed, that mean a citation will be issued. As to parking violation, how come in the 15 years I have lived in the area I have never seen a parking citation on a vehicle for there offenses but seen numerous parking meter violations?


  43. 12:05pm - note the truck isn't in the fire lane, he's beside it. It's not a handicapped spot. Nothing to make this enforceable.

    For anyone else, handicapped spots are only enforceable if they have have a sign upright in front of the spot visible from driver's seat. Paint on the ground doesn't mean anything. (only exception is if the sign says "van accessible" then hash marks to the side of parking spot are enforcable)

  44. Worthless P.O.S. School Board employee. He needs to be fired.

  45. Anonymous said...
    12:05pm - note the truck isn't in the fire lane, he's beside it. It's not a handicapped spot. Nothing to make this enforceable.

    For anyone else, handicapped spots are only enforceable if they have have a sign upright in front of the spot visible from driver's seat. Paint on the ground doesn't mean anything. (only exception is if the sign says "van accessible" then hash marks to the side of parking spot are enforcable)

    February 25, 2018 at 3:09 PM

    That is a no parking zone as noted by the crossed out lines. They are put there so that Wawa vehicles can get to their spots behind the store for loading and unloading purposes.

    You are a real dumb ass insinuating that it is a free parking spot for the Richard Heard from the Board of Ed. You dumb Liberal Douche Bag.

  46. Anonymous said...
    @ February 22, 2018 at 12:05 PM

    As to motor vehicle collisions, reports can be filed, that mean a citation will be issued. As to parking violation, how come in the 15 years I have lived in the area I have never seen a parking citation on a vehicle for there offenses but seen numerous parking meter violations?


    February 25, 2018 at 2:39 PM

    Because the Salisbury Police Officers are nothing but fat lazy slobs.

    Obviously you haven't been down to the Fruitland Walmart in the last 15 years. The Fruitland Police Officers are excellent officers and they will write a citation in a heart beat.

  47. Anonymous said...
    Actually, most BOE employees (at the main office) get an hour for lunch. The school employees only get 30 minutes.

    On another note, illegal parking is illegal parking and this does nothing to improve the public opinion of our BOE. BOE maintenance staff and some Transportation staff regularly park in the emergency lane at many schools...are they so special that they can't park in a parking spot like everyone else? Disgusts me.

    February 25, 2018 at 12:49 PM

    You are 100% correct about BOE staff thinking they are above everyone and parking in the no parking lanes. Andrew Turner, Coordinator of Safe Schools, thinks his sh!t doesn't stink and he is always parking in the Fire Lanes in front of the schools. He is constantly parking his vehicle and leaving it unattended in front of the schools. These are not parking lanes, these are Fire Lanes for Fire Engines, Ambulances and police cars in the event of emergencies. With that said the Fire Lanes are abused numerous times throughout the day and during pick up those parents are parking 2 and 3 wide completely blocking people in. School buses can't get through causing them to be late. NO, NONE, NADA, ZILCH, No emergency vehicles will be able to access the school and victims if there is an emergency because the Fire Lanes are completely BLOCKED at ALL schools by parents and people like Andrew "Andy" Turner, Coordinator of Safe Schools. The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office needs to do their jobs and start issuing citations to ALL violators. Then they should charge the Principals, Administrators and the Superintendent for creating a nuisance if at all possible.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just setting the record straight. Not Frisch’s truck. Second, all employees are afforded a lunch break and 2 fifteen minute breaks and it’s no ones business where they go or what they do. Certain employees are given take home vehicles which are part of their salary and THEY PAY TAXES on them.

    February 22, 2018 at 9:07 AM

    "Certain employees are given take home vehicles which are part of their salary and THEY PAY TAXES on them."

    This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard and it is FALSE!

    Typical BOE employees playing "Damage Control."

    1. Yeah. I’m lying. You got me! Dumbass...file a request for info, read it (you can read, right?) and then come back and tell everyone what an imbicile you are.

  49. its not okay for the government vehicle to do this but go to Walmart and ya'll will be on the sidewalk. That WAWA sucks for parking


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