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Sunday, February 25, 2018


I think it was last year they canceled the concert because they were fighting. This year is seems that entertainer Gucci Mane (who ever that is) only played 20 minutes. I think tickets to get into the concert were 40 bucks. Check out twitter. At the top right where there is a blue TWEET button .......to the left of that is the search options. Just type in #UMES and you can search all the tweets from last night. A few were not happy with the length of the concert. Take some aspirin first so you can avoid the headache of trying to read what they are trying to say.


  1. Lather

    It's the same ol same ol each and EVERY year!

    What does everyone expect?

    1. You like the Geezinslaw Brothers? That was a funny joke in their show. Good singers too. if you are partial to country.

  2. All that comes up when you search for #UMES on twitter is a bunch of ghetto thugs.

  3. Thugs Thugs Thugs!!! They think they run the new sports bar in Princess Anne. The town is a mess bc of these jerks

  4. When will you guys get it? UMES is nothing more than the Baltimore hood extended to the Eastern Shore. They teach nothing of importance , all of the money they get to operate comes from you and I in federal funds . They are a racist school and will remain that as long as we fund them . Their primary goal is to teach how to be unlawful and beat the system without working a day .

  5. LOL----Speaks highly of the administrators doesn't it. Products themselves of the dumbed down US "education" system. Too stupid to learn from past experiences.

  6. Same things your parents said about the beatles, elvis and rolling stones concerts. LMAO

  7. When I think University of Maryland I always think of good health care and great doctors for the area then I learned there was a UMES in Princess Anne and wanted to attend so so so bad until I learned what it really was

  8. Do those students actually pay to go to school there or is this another government handout?

    1. I’m white so I would have to pay since I don’t have 5 kids to count towards dependents

  9. Any graduation stats available?

    Reading the #UMES twitter page, you'd think the % would be low considering English is not part of the vocabulary at UMES!

  10. Is this were the police were last night and couldn't respond to the accident scene? If that is the case UMES needs to hire their own security for these events.

  11. UMES.....pay the fee....get a "B".

  12. 100% of the stupidity belongs to undergraduates.
    The graduate and post-grad students aren't a problem --- they're there to actually learn in preparation for decently paying jobs and professions.

  13. 8:36
    You pay for it in taxes.

    UMES graduations rate is below 35%

    Where else would we spend money and only get a 35% success rate. Maybe we should make them repay the money they get from the government if they fail a course.

  14. For those so bent out of shape last evening over screaming "WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THE COPS" needed in Pittsville for the accident, you now have your answer. . Because of the savages attending the concert, all the officers were called to UMES last evening, to break up the rampage of destruction.

    Why do you always blame a cop, saying they do nothing but sleep in their cars, eat donuts and pizza. Matters not that our officers were putting themselves in harms way to protect a crowd of college age drunk/drugged up African Americans. Perhaps the next time -- and there will be a next time -- you dopey idiots could go to UMES and break up the fights, so our policemen can be available for car accidents, sleeping, eating donuts and Pizza.

  15. Racism will never thrive

  16. U niversity of
    M aryland
    E lementary
    S chool


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