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Friday, February 16, 2018

52 Percent of Non-Disabled Parents on Food Stamps Do Not Work

The debate surrounding food stamp recipients focuses on able-bodied adults without children, and a report released Thursday found that more than half of parents without disabilities who receive food stamps do not work.

The report, from the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), found that 52 percent of able-bodied parents on food stamps were not working, even though they had no disabilities precluding them from seeking employment.

FGA’s report, which cited the most recent USDA data from fiscal year 2015, added that more than 12 million able-bodied parents use food stamps—nearly three times the number of people in this group who enrolled in food stamps in the year 2000.

The current federal policy states that able-bodied adults without children can only receive benefits from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—the program in charge of food stamps—for three months during a three-year period without working or participating in state-approved job training, according to the USDA’s website.

However, there are no federal policy work requirements after a certain period for those able-bodied parents receiving SNAP benefits.

After looking at how some states that implemented the work requirements noticed a drop in food stamp enrollment and an increase in employment, the authors of the FGA report came up with another proposal for lawmakers to get more people off of welfare.



  1. For a lot of these, if they were to get a job - they would become ineligible for assistance - even though they would then have to pay for child care, health insurance, transportation, and other items that would consume more than their paychecks!

  2. And 75% of them buy steamed crabs and shrimp on my dime... the dime I work hard for and can't afford steamed crabs and shrimp!!!
    We are sick and tire of this sh*t!!!

  3. It sad but both comments from 1214 and 1249 are true. Anytime you try to better yourself they immediately take away your benefits, not even giving you time to stand on your own, daycare prices are out of control and benefits, taxes and trying to save for retirement wipe out 81 to 90% of your paycheck.

  4. 12:49 Get a better job or an education so you can.

  5. How many entitlements have governments ever taken away ? None.

  6. Give up the jewerly; expensive tennis shoes; expensive cell phones; eating out; fake nails; Braids; and some drugs and then you can get back on your feet if you were ever on them.

  7. I work for a living the more I have the more the government and people seem to take. If I sat on a$$ I would not have much but everything I would have is free.No bill collectors calling for medical bills because it's free, no state coming after me for tax money, because it's free. No MVA fines because I wouldn't need a car to go to doctor I would take the bus service it's free. So what's the incentive to have anything. Why should I pay property tax, when I can live free and no one can take my home away...this is the problem with welfare, no incentive to work or own things. You get shafted if you do.stop screwing the working class...please.


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