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Monday, January 22, 2018

You’re not an adult until you turn 24, science says

Like Peter Pan, we don’t want to grow up

In fact, we’re not really adults until reaching age 24, researchers have concluded.

That’s because so many young people are continuing their education for longer periods of time and delaying marriage and parenthood.

The definition for adolescence is currently between ages 10 and 19, which marks the beginning of puberty and the perceived end of biological growth.

But, writing in Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, scientists at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Australia argue the timing needs to be changed, London’s Telegraph newspaper reported.



  1. At 21 I was in the projects handling my first rape case and received 12 stitches in my head from the Defendent.

  2. Well , No More DRAFTING for War then until 24 or else

    America is sending KIDS to War @ 18 !!!!

    Hell you can't even Rent a car until 25 , make it 25 !!!

    Drinking @ 21 will have to be moved up then too to 24 !!!!

  3. Science will prove what ever they are paid to prove.

  4. Alot of kids went to war in past ...where was Science then ?

  5. True in my case.I was an immature idiot at 21.


  6. Crocodile Dundee might beg to differ with the Snowflakes Down Under!

  7. Was twenty four with three kids while my husband and I took turns working odd shifts..had my own car rented a place and took care of my kids without mom n daddy watching them for me..some people need to grow up.

  8. 11:54 PM - That was then, this is now.

  9. In these times, even then, you're NOT!

  10. Then n now...We'll all take a little more of then. Snowflake know it all millennials!

  11. So...jake day must be stuck at age 22. He will never grow up to be a real man!


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