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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Your Media Hard at Work for YOU!

This video is simply brilliant.


  1. Too bad they don't concern themselves with actual policy as much as they try to prove Trump is unfit for office. That's your media! They're not interested in real answers, they're in it to forward the narrative (propaganda) they've been paid to tell you!

    Have a nice Day!

  2. UN-freakin' real.
    My favorite was almost unheard: "Does he eat ice cream?"
    Every single question was a gotcha question.
    This man - like him or not - has turned this country around for the better and has accomplished more in an incredibly short time than any politician in my lifetime. And I'm 72.
    And they ask if he eats ice cream.

  3. I couldn't watch all of it. I think ALL of those "reporters" should be examined in the same areas they are concerned about regarding our president.

    I am glad that there is nothing important in the world going on so they could waste our time with even more silliness like the Russian hoax.

    Demoncrats and the media. Two institutions that have become entirely useless and irrelevant.


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