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Tuesday, January 02, 2018

WikiLeaks Drops Proof That NYTimes Colluded With Hillary Clinton

You thought 2017 was going to end without a bang — other than the fireworks?

Think again.

After The New York Times on Saturday published a story headlined "Republican Attacks on Mueller and F.B.I. Open New Rift in G.O.P.," WikiLeaks couldn't stand it anymore. In a late-night post on Twitter, WikiLeaks revealed that a Times reporter used to feed State Department email updates of the stories the paper would be publishing DAYS before the stories appeared.

At the time, Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State.



  1. The buck stopped..... where was that again?

  2. How fortunate we are that Hillary Clinton didn't become president. She regarded U.S. government as her plaything; she's probably miffed that her toy was taken away, do you think?

  3. That Clinton was obviously heavily engaged, with the complicity of the husband, in feathering her own nest and creating a multi-national dynasty, is obvious to everyone but the most ignorant or obtuse. It's unprecedented and should be an important footnote in American history, perhaps even deserving of a chapter.

  4. You think its just Clinton who is dirty? How far down the rabbit hole could you go? That web is cast far and wide and many of the ones involved are still drawing a paycheck. I doubt we will ever know the truth.


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