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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Why I Favor Jim Mathias For Re-Election

You're not going to hear a great majority of Republicans admitting they too agree with my thinking of supporting Jim Mathias again to represent the Eastern Shore as Senator, let me assure you there's a LOT out there that do.

Governor Larry Hogan is supporting Marybeth Carozza for one reason only, he needs more republicans to stop over riding his vetoes. That's It!

Now you have to very seriously consider what's at stake here. I may not always agree with Jim Mathias, like his sprinkler bill for example or even the elected school board situation years ago. However, Jim Mathias has dedicated his life to the Eastern Shore and has truly helped ALL of our Republican Representatives from the Shore. You may not be aware of that but it is an absolute fact. His wisdom and experience truly gets things done. He is well respected in Annapolis and for what it's worth, that goes a long way and sometimes there's some give and take.

If you'll recall, before Carl Anderton came along I even supported Norm Conway. When Mike McDermott decided to step up and run against Jim, I fully supported Mike McDermott because Mike was also well respected as a state Delegate in Annapolis and Mike was and still is extremely passionate for the Shore. 

What has Marybeth done? Truthfully, nothing. She is new to the political scene and has zero influence in Annapolis. Sorry but that is the truth. Yes, she is a Republican and I usually support my party but I've always voted for who I firmly believe is best for the job. 

In the future I'll deliver more detailed information as to why I politically support Jim Mathias. However, I want all of you to know right out of the gate where I stand on this particular race. 

Marybeth is a very nice person and I certainly appreciate her hard work and dedication but let me assure you, she's in way over her head and if she got elected it could easily take well over a decade before we'd regain the same influence Jim Mathias holds at this time. I truly believe she needs a lot more time and experience to truly represent the Eastern Shore on that level. 


  1. I think Mary Beth Corozza is doing a great job in her current position as well, and we need her there desperately. While I agree with you that she needs more experience before making the leap, Mathias will be a bitter pill, but unless another alternative comes along, one we should go ahead and swallow. Maybe we can convince him to take back that sprinkler law...

  2. I strongly disagree as I am sure many others do as well. What political experience did Trump have and he is doing a great job? To much political experience is the problem, the longer they are in office the more corrupt they get. Change and new ideas is usually a good thing. I will not be voting for Mathias. All a real politician needs is the will to do what is best for the people, not what is best for them to get reelected.

  3. But Joe, can you honestly say he's not an absolute crooked? Have you forgotten all the broken promises with the casino when his boss (royal plus) got involved? Come on Joe, really ?

  4. oH LL NO, thats exactly why were in the mess we're in. This same gang of corrupt dinosaurs is why MD's in the toilet. Mathias is 99% deaf to our citizens that he's supposed to represent. To L with term limits huh!?!?! I dont think so! Md is set to ditch the whole gang of corrupt MGA and their thugs. If a few {at minimal} are replaced, your 10yr thug gang experience {respect in dc} wont mean squat...unless your hoping for business as usual up there. Your way wrong on this one Joe. Getting new in and the career crooks out ASAP is the BEST thing for MD. We the people are sick to death of the over taxation,violating Constitutional Rights, turning a blind eye to the crime and violence, the mega millions of waste especially in the education system, sanctuary for criminals and law breakers, corrupt voting systems, the list is LONG. We're sick of out of touch political whores like mathias...id vote for a dead horse before id grant that crook one more day!! Send that gang member packing!!!!!

  5. Jim was good for ocean City as a senator he is a puppet does what he's told as long as he gets his picture taken he's happy

  6. Libberal jim is Part of ^^their&&* plans! Say No! My childreN, Vote only FOR the non- brainwashed! Yes. Say yes to marty Beth Carrroza!

    1. Oh we are back to this guy again!

  7. As someone who has known Mathias for a long time (back to his pool hall days), I can only say that Mathias is only doing what is beneficial to himself. I will never support him for any elected office.

  8. Give him a scrapple and egg sandwich and he will do whatever you tell him.

  9. I see nothing positive coming from keeping a liberal democrat in the senate. He cannot possibly help with the conservative agenda in any way. That is why Hogan needs a conservative in that office. What is Mathias's position on gun control, I doubt he would be for CC.

  10. If thats the sentiment then we'll never get ride of these career crooks. Nobody new will run and if they do they wont get voted for because those like Joe would rather stay with a known crook than risk a possible new one? If for no other reason I cant believe youd support someone so deeply tied to the drug cartel/dope growers..it dosent get any more corrupt.

  11. Is this some "bonfire wisdom" here?

    I understand what you're saying, and I respect you, but I think 'influence' is the problem, not the answer.

    And as long as corrupt-ocrats like Mike Miller remain, it doesn't really matter. The thing is going to go HIS way, not anybody else's (in which case, influence may help a little bit..)

    But I tend to believe that in this current political environment in Annapolis, absolute numbers probably matter more than 'influence'.

  12. I agree with the article. It's a tough call, but no politician is going to vote 100% as his/her constituents desire. It's not his fault that there are more votes in Baltimore, Prince Georges and Montgomery than the rest of the State combined, nor that most of them are extreme left fanatics. It's probably better to send a senator to Annapolis with some pull than someone who will be completely ignored.

  13. What is the supposed "influence" the tool has and over who/what? Oh, wait, he was able to get both medical marijuana dispensaries allocated to his District located in West OC.

  14. There is ZERO justification for anyone that pretends to be a conservative supporting Mathias. I am sorry, but you can post all the reasons you want. You support a liberal to represnt this area and you are no better than WBOC. You will become the opposition.

  15. No to Mathias. Time for him to retire. Vote Republican

  16. Mary Beth tries to take credit for anything good that happens and Jim had to remind her of that during a forum two weeks ago. She is rude and overbearing when in a crowd, she interjects herself in conversations that she is not invited. As for Jim he needs to go, I am not sure Mary Beth is the one to beat him.

  17. The unfortunate fact is no shore lawmaker has any influence. They never have. Conway/Bozman and I can't remember that other Happy Larry's name from years ago have never been anything more then useful idiots. This because their votes aren't needed so they vote which ever way the winds blowing on the shore to keep the voters happy. Then every once in awhile some money was sent here so they can claim how well they were doing and to keep them in office. All this to prevent the veto override.
    It's not exactly rocket science being in the legislature so "experience" is a non issue.

  18. Sorry Joe. Can't agree with you on this one.

  19. I was disappointed enough when Jim got in by the skin of his teeth the last time. No way will I vote for him and I really don't think he will make a victory again.

    I was also tired of same ole Norm and voted for new blood. New blood Carl has done nothing but photo op's with no results. I will not vote for him again either.

  20. He needs to be out of there!

  21. Wow.

    This is the first time I completely disagree with you Joe.
    Politicians have gotten us neck deep in mud and it’s time we
    get some fresh faces in there that hopefully haven’t been corrupted.

    You’re on your own on this one my friend.

  22. It's not about experience, it's all about ideology. The problem in Annapolis and Washington is that there are "to many liberal democrats". Hogan and Trump need help but they will not get it with ANY democrat.

  23. 99 out of 100 percent of the time you are right Joe, just not this time.

  24. 9:47 said, "I think Mary Beth Corozza is doing a great job in her current position as well". LIKE WHAT?

    9:50, we'll agree to disagree.

    10:02, There's a LOT more to that. No, I do not believe he is "crooked". By the way you're lucky I published that comment.

    10:05, grow up please.

    10:21, Explain how Jim is only looking out for himself.

    10:42, considering you are anonymous your comment, (and others) hold no credibility. Hogan only wants Carozza for vetoes, period. If Carozza had any credibility, (which none of you have stated) it would be a different story.

    11:04, How dare you target me like that. Unlike 99% of you, I have dedicated 14 years of my life delivering conservative news and information. It's about what's best for the entire district Jim serves.

    11:13, One thing most, (99%) do not understand about influence in Annapolis is, the Eastern Shore has an extremely small amount of representatives to protect our interests. That said, Jim has worked both sides of the isle. Yes, some votes we conservatives don't agree with stand out. However, as I stated in my post, I will be delivering you many facts you were not aware of and why he chose to vote a certain way. Again, even I do not agree with many of the decisions on the surface but when you hear WHY, perhaps then you'll better understand.

    11:22, it's called economic development. Good Lord, some of you will never be satisfied.

    11:48, go back and read my reply to 11:04.

    12:18, I firmly disagree.

    1:38, Good luck getting Hogan to help.

  25. Not a fan of Carozza, but like most life long Eastern Shore conservatives I despise Mathias.

  26. LOl Joe, you will never get these backwoods republicans to understand how things work. They are ready to vote Hogan out because he is not republican enough and didn't give them the right to concealed carry. They will end up with another multi-term O'Malley.

  27. Sorry homie! Can't do it. I'm sure he will win but just not with my vote.

  28. Please reconsider supporting James Mathias because trading influence for values is not worth the cost.

  29. Jim killed building in the State with his kick back Fire Sprinkler Systems. He was on Royal Plus payroll for years. Remember he is a career politician also. Time for a change and Mary is a great choice. Fire Jim.

  30. Say what you want but most readers of this site are not going to be duped into voting for a liberal. Mac has cost a lot of folks a lot of money on the shore, that is not who I want representing me.

  31. Joe, Just because you have done this for 14 years don't make you right every time. Next Jim introduced legislation for the Fire Sprinkler systems and pushed it through with O'Malley. Building is booming in lower Delaware and could be on Maryland's eastern shore however new home buyers do NOT want Fire Sprinkler systems that can freeze and burst while they are an vacation or even sleeping in there house. Sprinklers are set up to put out a lot of water in a short time. Pipes froze last winter and this last cold spell we just had. If you support Hogan you need to rethink yourself on this one. Hogan does support Mary-Beth over Jim.

  32. I recall one day when Rush came on the air and said he had decided to support Bill Clinton in the next election and he had numerous reasons why he would. After about an hour and his listeners were outraged he admitted that it had all been a joke. Hopefully that is what this post is all about, a joke, maybe an early April fool joke. Lets hope so at least.

  33. Jim's position on trying to procrastinate Wicomico's elected school board with a hybrid concept and the fire sprinkler ordinance is what turned me against him. Joe - 95% of the time I agree with you but in this case I respectfully disagree.

  34. Only two States in union that have a single family sprinkler ordinance -CA and MD. No wonder Maryland's eastern shore is on life support!

  35. Mathias is another rubber stamp liberal. Joe I have been with you since day one almost 100% but not on this one. Everything he has done is with himself in mind only. I think the district has finally figured him out.

  36. My next home will not be in this state. Im looking for a second. MD is off the list. Tried to convince my local wife to dump MD. The recent paid medical leave act passing now. Thats changed her tune. Thats gonna effect her small bussiness. Goodbye dumbass annapolis we are actively looking to take our money elsewhere.

  37. Jim Mathias needs to go because he is a Democrat and partly responsible for Mike Miller, as he continues to vote for him as Senate President and roll over for his demands to override the Governors vetos. Yes, nothing will change until more Republicans are elected. All of the things you decry in the General Assembly are possible because of one party rule. When rubber meets the road, Jim Mathias will toe the party line at the expense of his district. Don't be such a hypocrite.

  38. Sorry but he's just another establishment problem. Career politician. Time for change

  39. Read my lips, no, no, no!

  40. No one needs experience to do the right things in life. Politics are no exception. Term limits would be the best thing that could ever happen in my opinion, than we would have a constant turn over and they would have more incentive to do what is right instead of doing what will get them reelected. I am another that will not ever vote for Mathias or any liberal democrat.

  41. I for one am very pleased that most people strongly disagree with this post. Everyone makes a mistake occasionally.

  42. James Mathias voted for Maryland to Become a Sanctuary State!!!


    Some of you have commented that Jim Mathias voted FOR Maryland to become a "sanctuary state", THAT'S A LIE. Let me tell some of you uneducated nay sayers. The sanctuary state bill NEVER even made it to the floor of the Senate, so Mathias couldn't have voted for it in any way, shape or form and I'll add that after discussing this directly with Jim he assured me he would've voted NO if it had.

    In fact, Jim state for the record that he has NEVER voted in favor for ANY undocumented bill, ever. Not even for undocumented children.

    So you people need to shut the hell up and lying to others. As I stated in my original post, I will be delivering a TON of information about Jim most of you were not aware of.

    Finally, if there's a question you'd like me to address Jim about, feel free to e-mail me and I'll dig into it for you. I would NOT have said I support Jim if I didn't know for a fact he was the better candidate, (at this point).


  44. Blogger JoeAlbero said...

    Joe, Do you see all of the comments above, not everyone is saying Jim voted for MD to become a Sanctuary State.

    Hogan has to give a little to get some Dem's to cross the isle. Jim was with O'Malley most of the time.

    Hogan has got this state somewhat back on it's feet after O'Malley and the Dem's, including Jim, drove in in the ground.
    Marybeth has Hogans back and he needs that support. Just because a couple of people don't know what they are talking about doesn't make all the people supporting Marybeth wrong.

    Next about the Fire Sprinkler systems. CA was the only state to have this and mostly because of wildfires. Now MD is the only other state in this country to have it and please read up on this. Number one cause of house fires is a kitchen fire mostly grease related. Now most of know that putting water on a grease fire is a bad idea including Jim. Remember Jim was on Royal Plus payroll for years. Now Royal Plus still gets the fire damage jobs and now add all of the water damage from the frozen pipes. 84 lumber quit insulating homes because of all of the lawsuits from the first year when they put insulation in as they were instructed and everyone is pointing there finger's at each other trying to figure out who to sue.
    Builders will still put in sprinklers as an option if the customer wants it. Remember the ice storm in 1992 or 3 and some people were without electric for 9 days. Can you imagine how many sprinklers when we have the next ice storm. Welcome Delaware and surrounding states, good bye Maryland.

  45. OK 1:45, another uneducated commenter.

    Let's start with the sprinkler bill. First of all, ultimately when the mass majority of homes and buildings do in fact have life saving sprinkler systems you will ELIMINATE the need to extremely expensive Firefighters and Equipment, DUH!

    More importantly, what you fail to tell everyone is, if it's a home UNDER $200,000.00 it will not be required to be sprinklered. If you can afford a home above $200k you can certainly afford the $7,000.00 expense to add sprinklers. NEXT!

    As for the rest of your argument, I'll not waste my time of that crap.


  46. Joe,

    Strongly disagree with your emergence as a Liberal Jim fan. Were you hit by a bolt of lightning?

    Biggest problem by a long shot in Annapolis is too many Socialist Democrats and too few Republicans. Jim is a party line O'Malley, Miller, Busch, Frosh, etc. vote robot Democrat despite the wishes and best interests of the EasternShore. Those are undisputed facts.

    Regarding sprinklers: It's a very bad deal that benefits his employer, and like firms, and does not advantage homeowners. New neighbor built in OP last year; their permits beat the mandatory sprinkler deadline; he quoted $16 K more if his house had them. Other friends are building in OP later this year; their sprinkler cost will be over $20k. All for a system highly unlikely to ever be used. Thanks in large part to Liberal Jim. And no, sprinklers will not cause the demise of firemen or fancy fire trucks.

    So Liberal Jim is not worth retaining. He did OK as mayor, while singing Mustang Sally.

    I have seen Mary Beth at events in the district since last fall where Jim might reasonably be expected to make an appearance...but he didn't. In one case he was a no call, no show after he said he'd attend and space was set aside in the program for him to make comments. No call after to apologize or explain, either. His time is past.

    The only way for conservatives and Republicans to have more influence in Annapolis is to elect more of them. Miller and Busch and Frosh can count; if they see Liberal Jim and his ilk from across the state on the payroll again they can continue to flip the bird to you, me, other regular citizens and the Governor. Or we can start to take our state back by electing more Republicans.

    You like to remind citizens of Salisbury they had a chance to vote for you and blew it. Jimbeau, Jake and Liberal Jim are cut from the same bolt of cloth. We can no longer afford them!

  47. 3:27, Oh good Lord, so you disagree with his sprinkler bill. You people make it sound like this was Jim's idea to start with, it was not. You also make it seem like Jim was the only vote needed for it, it was not.

    Sometimes bills are without a doubt, (like this one) going to pass. What I'm telling you is that Jim created several addendums to this bill to make the already going to pass bill be more tolerable.

    If YOU wer state Senator, you would've been in the same position Jim was in.

    Marybeth is at every freakin event possible because she is running for a bigger position. Are you really that naive? If Jim were at every event you'd be calling him a camera whore, give me a break.

    I really think a LOT of people just love to bitch. NONE of you have delivered ONE piece of positive thing Marybeth has done since she became a Delegate. Start with that first.

  48. I am a black and I was looking to build a home off of Jersey Road. When I inquired with Mr. Mister about a building permit he informed me that the house would have to have fire sprinklers. And so I called a sprinkler contractor whereby he said the system required a constant pressure pump + he highly recommended an annual service contract in order to verify the glycol was the right consistency. He quoted me a price of $9,500 and said the pump and large reserve tank were not included and that I needed to contact the well driller. My wife and I have decided to try and resell our lot and possibly look somewhere in Sussex. I have also learned that Mathias voted in favor of this and hope to inform Mary Ashanti about our demise. And if I find out that Sharee voted for this legislation then her and I are about to exchange some harsh words!!

  49. Joe - FYI Jim Mathias did nothing to help Chris Adams sponsred bill to exempt out easternshore counties from the sprinkler legislation. If you don't believe me then call him.

  50. 4:10, Chris Adams is a DELEGATE, not a Senator. As I stated earlier, once the DELEGATES passed it, it went to the Senate and Jim already knew it was going to overwhelmingly pass. I believe it was 85+ yes, 50+ no. Something along that line. That's when Jim started adding addendums to make the bill more livable.

    LET ME ALSO REMIND ALL OF YOU THIS FACT. That bill was introduced in 2012 and passed. Jim was able to drag it out for YEARS to help businesses/developers/builders to prepare for what was coming. Give the guy a break, will ya. You people know nothing about how politics work. It's like being married to 150 women at one time. Do you really think everyone is going to agree and get along!

  51. Senatpr Jim Mathias should have gone directly to either O'Malley or Mike Miller and demanded for the eastern shore to be exempted especially in light of our areas poor economy. That's my feeling on the subject.

  52. If Sen Mathias wants the republican vote why doesn't he simply change his affiliation? Seems to me like he is a typical liberal at heart but will say whatever he needs to says in order to get elected.

    I didn't think we could ever do any worse than Sen Ben Cardin and now we have Chelsa Manning running against him, what is this world coming to?

  53. U going to have a tough time finding much good stuff to say about this guy that people really care about. Most don't care about his personal life, only the legislation that he supports. Frankly, I can't think of anything good that he has done.

  54. I have to be honest about this and I can say I won't be voting for a Democrat, but Marybeth is kind of creepy.

  55. Joe,

    For some reason I just saw this post recently. I agree with you 100 percent. Though there are some things I don't agree with Jim about, he is the only hope to continue to get things for the eastern Shore. He has done a lot of things for this area, and Hogan knows that too. The only reason Hogan endorsed Mary Beth was because he sees this as a possible winnable seat with this being a red area. But Mary Beth has done nothing and should've stayed in her lane as a Delegate.


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