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Monday, January 08, 2018

We're Out Of Control!


  1. Top CEOs of tech companies send their kids to schools that DO NOT USE computers.

  2. 1000 dollar phone or a 10 dollar box of crayons the decision should be easy.

  3. We peeled the paper off of the really big crayons and lit them when we camped out.They would burn for about an hour each.

  4. Boy, if you had 64 you were on cloud nine. I said the same about 32 when they came out. Unbelievable how times have changed.

  5. 100 years ago wanting all of those crayons would have probably been considered out of control too lol

  6. When I was 9 I would have given my right arm for a box of Crayola 64s! There was only one kid in our school who had one and you know who you are.

  7. You were BMOC when you had the 64 with the sharpener!

  8. Any parent that gives a nine year old a cell phone should have to take parenting classes. They also now meaning the parents want to be their children's friend! All they care about is their children having what ever they want so they fit in with the others, and the parents fit in with the other parents. This is why there little ones will try drugs and alcohol. No rules no boundaries.


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