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Thursday, January 04, 2018

We Got A Ton Of Snow In Ocean City

It's pretty rare we get the kind of snow here in Ocean City the way we did but it is sure is peaceful and quiet.

I happen to live on a one lane private road, so we'll never see a county snow plow and for what it's worth, who cares. A select few of us can honestly say we are snowed in, (of all places) in Ocean City, Maryland. 

Depending on how well Wicomico County can clear the roads, I hear they are considering at least a delay for all employees. I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, stay off the roads and let these drivers plow them without disruption. 


  1. Good,then you have no idea what just happened in Salisbury.It was real bad.Opportunists always take advantage of an emergency situation.

    1. 3:11- What just happened in Salisbury? Real bad? Dont leave us hanging. What went down?

  2. Cars stuck everywhere around Salisbury and Fruit land.

  3. We too are snowed in. Our driveway is 1/2mi long and we live off of a tar and chip dead end so plows aren't in any hurry to get to us.

  4. We can't use the roads. Since we can't get out of the driveway. Haven't sen it this bad since like 1978.

  5. 3:11 - what are you talking about?

  6. In my yard in East Salisbury you wouldn't be able to see the seat portion of those benches. I'm with you 3:11.


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