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Sunday, January 21, 2018

WBOC Removed From Peninsula Propane By Seaford Police

 While WBOC was escorted off their property, one place we know for sure they won't get thrown off of is the Wicomico Landfill, allow me to explain.
You see, while their Peninsula Propane story is as close as they'll ever get to investigative reporting, (LMAO) they went on last night with a story from Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day with NO investigative work whatsoever. 

So here's the deal. Jake Day said the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant is almost at 100% functionality wise, BULL SH!T! All you have to do is go to the Landfill and watch them dump their liquid SLUDGE/POOP. You see, when Delmar, Fruitland, Willards bring their processed sludge to the Landfill it has NO ODOR whatsoever and is consistent like Play Dough. Salisbury, (however) is like liquid and stinks like fresh sh!t. Ask ANY employee who work on the hill. 

Instead, WBOC is a lazy and even reckless news organization, (knowing the WWTP has a history of lies, as do the Mayors) and simply takes their word for it. The Salisbury Waster Water Treatment Plant will not ever process their waste properly and guess what Salisbury Taxpayers, you are into that plant for over $140,000,000.00!!!! I can tell you that when this went up for bid over a decade ago, one bidder said they could deliver a facility FOUR times more capacity for $35,000,000.00. That's over one hundred million dollars less. 

Mayor Jake Day is a liar. That plant may be close to being 100% complete, according to their contractual agreement but it is far from 100% working, it never will. 


  1. That is becasue OB&G brought a mountain gravity design here to the flat shore and though it would work as well... I am sorry but you need lift stations and everything else to help get the crap to the right place...

  2. On the plus side, Joe, Baby Jake got to dress up like Bob the Builder. I wonder if he'll put that on his resume?

  3. Wboc removed by the police. There was a day when they were highly respected and this never happened. Times have certainly changed. The police had to escort a girl reporter off that property.

  4. Was it the new beauty queen . If so I can understand why .

  5. "Almost" can mean nearly anything. By that thinking, someone of Day's age (33?) is "almost" 50.

  6. Investigative reporting stipulates reporting the facts... and all we have in this article is speculation and allegations without evidence.

  7. I can tell you from personal experience that I had to go out and buy several space heaters to keep us going while they let us run out the other week. We pay for automatic fill ups, so I was surprised I was so low on propane when I called them a few days before the snowstorm the other week. Our house was pretty cold for a couple of days. Thanks Peninsula Oil.

  8. 1011-Beauty queen? You talking about the one with the horse face?

  9. 10:20, aka, WBOC, Prove me wrong. Get off your asses for once and go to the Landfill and ask questions.

    You know something, all anyone has to do is go to the search bar in the top left hand corner of this Blog and type in Waste Water Treatment Plant, (WWTP) and view all the hard work I delivered over a decade ago. Yes, I was the one who investigated all of the illegal activity at that plant. The media tried covering it up for weeks by not reporting it until WMDT finally got on board and won a national award for the story I fed them.

    What I have delivered in this post is facts. However, your local media, (once again) wants to cover it up because they desperately need the money from any form of advertising they can get. Peninsula is NOT one of their advertisers, so they went after them like a bat out of hell. I'm not saying they don't deserve it but finally, people are starting to tell WBOC they're not taking their crap any more. I'm sure many will follow. This is also why anyone they interview on locations any more have a very hard time speaking english, have three teeth in their mouth or took ebonics for educational purposes. No reputable person will give them an interview any more. Or haven't you all noticed that any more?

    Go to the Landfill and talk to the people on the hill. Let them tell you the difference in processed waste and no processed waste, you'll get your story.

  10. Here's a funny one to add to my last comment. I walked that property, (WWTP) for two days and was never escorted off the property by Police.

    Mind you, once Barrie Tilghman found out they actually put up a fence around the entire property and if you'll recall she asked the feds for a "no fly zone" over the WWTP so I couldn't go up in a plane and take pictures, she was denied and that very day I went up in a plane and took pictures to prove they weren't doing as they said they were to fix things.

    Take the time to search all of the articles and pictures I put up. Many of you are too new to SBYNews to recall the whole thing.

  11. Their “reporters” are too busy taking drone images of the most pointless things to go out and actually report on crime rates and dig up things of value to report on. Bill & Mike ate a waste of air in the mornings together and need to go get a room together. I feel so stupid after watching them I have to turn it off after I get my non accurate weather report. It just amazes me this am how crazy they went over snow in DOVER. Wow!! It’s very sad how things get covered up and not reported on. If you relied on WBOC soley for your news you would swear this area is a peaceful place to live. Instead I have to search Facebook for actual crime so I know not to travel certain areas ex: this site, wicomico first alert. I’m just disgusted with WBOC anymore.

  12. Bill Mich is a waste of air

  13. Joe,

    Your post about Barrie Tilghman made me recall that she once reported Bill Duvall to the FBI for some alleged misdeed involving his blog. When they went to his home to speak with him, he brought out a bottle of Jack Daniels and they had an enjoyable afternoon.

    Of course, that was before the days of Comey and Mueller.

  14. Jake Day reported that the Salisbury WWTP received better marks last time, however, that's not the entire story. You see - our area hasn't had any significant rainfall for the past several months. But it is still a sitting time bomb there because it is the storm water that infiltrates the WWTP and it cannot keep up with the flow rates.

    So let's see who has to start dumping directly into the river again, as it will, when our area has another deluge of rainfall.

  15. Bill needs to go a report on etiquette. I will never forget that time I waited on him and his wife at Brew River. They were so rude and actually asked for their meal to be comped because of Bill worked for WBOC.

  16. Very sad state of affairs. Our town continues to flounder in its own sh*thole!

    Thanks Joe for your continued reporting with FACTS! Truly the best here on Delmarva - indeed!

  17. I wonder if the tax payers paid for his fancy “mayor” jacket! From what I could see from his interview atleast tax money isn’t going to fix his teeth!!

  18. 12;27,

    The recent snowfall events have been the equivalent of about 3 inches of rain, and we have had another inch of so as well in the past few weeks.

  19. Responding to 2:32 Posting - that said; 'The snowfall was the eqivalent to 3" of rain'

    My response - it may be - but as a former WWTP operator, when the rains flood our storm drains, the WWTP can't handle the flow rates. That's why they have to release the wayer as it has to go somewhere - and that drain pipe empties into the Wicomico. Plain and simple my guess is that 2:32 poster is none other that Jake Day himself.

  20. These Damn companys Oil / Propane should be Fined for

    G O U G I N G !!!!

  21. The recent snowfall events have been the equivalent of about 3 inches of rain, and we have had another inch of so as well in the past few weeks.

    January 17, 2018 at 2:32 PM

    and it has to melt before it turns into water so it can flow anywhere. I believe that other guy is correct. Your statement is so stupid you MUST be fake day, boy wonder mare

  22. Glad to see JT is finally in his element. He does nothing but spew garbage so it's good to see he's found his new home. He fits right in.


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