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Friday, January 12, 2018

Warren Buffett prefers flip phones — and he’s not alone

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett says he’s not giving up his flip phone just yet, and he’s not the only one.

Buffett told CNBC Wednesday that he’s not interested in a new smartphone, even though Apple CEO Tim Cook has personally tried to convince him to join the iPhone revolution. Buffett — who recently predicted that crypto-currencies will “come to a bad ending” — flashed a Samsung flip phone during an interview and said “the market is not yet saturated for iPhones.” Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is one of the top five shareholders in Apple.

Jim Thatcher, an assistant professor of urban studies at the University of Washington, Tacoma, didn’t replace his smartphone when it broke. Instead, and only because his spouse and daughter’s school needed to be able to reach him in an emergency, he switched to a flip phone.

The switch has been therapeutic for Thatcher. He responds to emails more slowly and is less attuned to the news now. He also doesn’t check his phone if he gets bored and he’s more purposeful about how he uses his time. “I’m more focused on the immediate world around me, whether it’s observational or introspective,” he said. It also gives him more control over the data he shares, another big plus for him.



  1. The only "smart" thing I used my smart phone is navigation. It comes in handy for that in a strange town or on a road trip. It once automatically routed me around a severe accident, before we even got to it. Most excellent.

    Otherwise it's a damned phone and it stays on my bloody desk where it belongs.

  2. They are more secure actually.

  3. I imagine the learning curve for technology is hard for most eastern shore residents

  4. I still have my flip phone. 11 years old and still cooking. But it is losing it's ability to communicate with some. It won't accept emojis, and scrambles texts with them in it. but, I refuse to get a flat phone.

  5. 7:52 if you are so unhappy here why the hell don't you just leave,I'm sure nobody will miss you. You are a real A$$ Hole.

  6. This area is no different than the sh!thole countries Trump speaks of. Poor, black, crime ridden.

  7. Don't be ridiculous 7:52. I still have a flip phone. Some of us can't be bothered learning new technology. We have no use for it. Our lives are perfect the way they are. I texted once in my life. It was a pain in the neck. If and when I ever do need anything tech related done I'll hire someone to do it for me.

  8. 12:24 is why no new businesses come to this area. LOL. Typical shorebilly.


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