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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Walmart to Face Discrimination Suit Over Hair Products: Atty

She was also claiming the Walmart employee would not let her touch the products until she purchased them

Walmart was set to face a discrimination lawsuit Friday after a woman claimed African American hair products were locked behind glass at a California store.

Prominent attorney Gloria Allred held an afternoon news conference Friday.

"It was something I had to stand up for," the mom said. "I would like the glass to go down, and for things to go back to the way it was, where it's not segregated and everything is where everyone can get what they need."

Essie Grundy said she was discriminated against based on her race at a Walmart located at 1800 N. Perris Blvd. in Perris on Jan. 12.



  1. It is based on theft. Each store determines, based on fact, which items are most stolen and then puts in place, a strategy that prevents them from being stolen. Shes just pissed they took away the ability to steal.

  2. Dollar General does this as well. Men's razors are also locked down. Should I file a lawsuit because I am a man for sex discrimination?
    I think not!!!!

  3. They do this with perfume and cologne and also razors in some stores. Tide pods will be next!

  4. The data is racist ??? lol

  5. Companies don't do this to be mean or racist. they do it out of necessity.

  6. Gosh, this makes me wonder why cigarettes are on shelves BEHIND the sales counter instead of in front of it.

  7. That's all it is.....anger about not be able to steal that stuff anymore and hoping that when she screams "racism!!", everyone will jump to her commands to avoid being labeled as a racist.
    Facts and numbers CANNOT be racist.

  8. It will be interesting when the defense uses the shoplifting videos, arrest records and other evidence to explain their reason for putting the products behind glass.


  9. All you need to know is who is seated beside her holding the box of tissues. Bogus claim. Hope WM moves to have lawyer sanctioned.


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