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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Walmart and Kroger, 500 Stores about to ditch Cashiers

Walmart is expanding its "Scan & Go" technology to an additional 100 locations across the U.S., the retailer announced Tuesday, playing into a growing trend of companies giving consumers the option to shop their stores without interacting with a cashier.

Others working to perfect their own digital shopping scanners include grocery giant Kroger and internet behemoth Amazon, which has been piloting a store without checkout lines, called Amazon Go, near its Seattle headquarters.

Kroger's recently introduced platform, known as "Scan, Bag, Go," will roll out to 400 of the grocery chain's stores later this year. That will put the company ahead of Walmart, which anticipates having its "Scan & Go" service at fewer than 200 stores by the end of 2018.



  1. I get better customer service when I bag and scan my own stuff.

  2. I guess they better make that 1k bonus go far

  3. This will be the downfall of the giant "Walmart". At least I can hope and dream.

  4. If I can get through faster due to long lines, I use self service. I have used it many times and familiar with the process, but yesterday was a pain. I had a large amount of items and it seemed each time I would bag, it would instruct me to remove item from area (one item in bag). This got so bad I was ready to get the heck out of there. When I got home and checked, I had three items scanned twice. It was a pain and still is because I have to go back the next time to costumer service.

  5. How do you like your 15 an hour now??? How is that job working out for you now???? Oh wait, you are losing your jobs, funny how we saw it coming, and told you to prepare for it, and of course not, you did nothing but complain and run your mouth about how you know nothing about nothing, and yet us conspiracy theorist have been spot on for what 1 year now and counting!!!!

    I wonder who the dumb ass is now, me for being right, or you for being so stupid!!!

    Oh and lets not forget, I again get to say to all of you stupid dumb ass people, I told you so!!!!!!

  6. I can't wait to use them.
    That way I can help to put hundreds of people out of work!

    Hey, cool.
    Maybe one of my family members won't get a job because of the scanners.
    Wow. That is just great.
    I get to use the newest technology and none of my family or friends get a job.
    Everything is so great!

    I just love Capitalism.

    1. China and Russia would love to have you. Bye

  7. The longest lines are starting to be the ones at the self checkout. Imagine that!

  8. As long as someone is near the self checkout to help my stupid low tech self.Old barnacles like myself will apparently have to change our ways.

  9. I refuse to use these, unless forced to. That is a job gone,plain & simple! I love when someone acts as if it's because I don't know how/can't.


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