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Monday, January 29, 2018

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Thanks 'Activist B*tches Supporting B*tches'

Former 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton thanked “activist bitches supporting bitches” for supporting the Resistance.

HuffPost commentator Alex Mohajer posted video footage of Clinton’s comments on Twitter Friday.

“Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks,” Clinton said in the video. “Thanks for your feminism, for your activism, and all I can hope is you keep up the really important, good work.”

Off camera, a woman can be heard saying, “Activist bitches supporting bitches,” a phrase Clinton repeated on camera moments later.



  1. She is just practicing her speech for when she goes to prison.

  2. This has been going on long
    Time.Obamas minions lurk everywhere see them here them look its hillary ick. She will say anything for claps clap no. Hillary math 2008 = common corr. She cannot add canmot see america does not lik you ickkk!!

  3. Takes one to know one.


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