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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Trump's nightmare

Trump's day of reckoning ... The one thing that could dramatically diminish President Trump’s chances of avoiding impeachment and chalking up legislative wins is Democrats winning the House.
And, thanks to series of recent developments, Trump knows this no longer just seems plausible, but probable.

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Hill sources tell us that a House Democratic takeover is now likely.
One strategist close to Republican leaders believes that a loss of the House is "baked in," and said top Republicans don't see a way to avoid it.

It would take a flip of 24 seats for Dems to take over. The average loss for the president's party in his first midterm is about 32 seats, and we're hearing forecasts of 40+ losses.

You can’t predict outcomes this far out, but these hard facts scare the hell out of Republicans: 

Eight House GOP chairs have retired: You don’t climb to the top of power in Congress and leave unless you feel confident your reign will soon end. (Another factor: Chairmanships are term-limited from a Gingrich-era reform.)

Record retirements for GOP: Already, 29 GOP seats are open, a pace far exceeding the past two elections that saw power change hands. 

Democrats outperformed their norms in turnout, and in total votes, in all seven 2017 elections. This is a clear indicator of energy. 

Record number of Democratic women voting and considering running for office. This, more than anything, is a reaction to Trump and the #MeToo movement. 

In polls, voters prefer Democrats for Congress by a 10-point margin. There is no way to spin this: +10 is terrible in a 50/50 nation.


  1. Are these the same polls that said Hillary would win. does anyone really believe what the msm is telling you. just get out and vote

  2. I despise democracy. The average person is too stupid to determine his own fate, let alone mine. The only legitimate form of government will ever be a king and an aristocracy made of of men who what read and absorbed the great ideas of the west.

  3. Propaganda works.sad. At least I got to see the reaction of the radical mainstream media when Trump one. Soon it will be back to forcing solar, fined for thoughts and taxes at 80 percent. No doubt with democrats we will bomb someone.

  4. Learn this well- when the Democrats finally get the full power they crave, look out. I fully expect them to begin extermination camps for Christians. Don't believe me? Look at the way they talk....

  5. 10:05 - Bill Ayers was planning them for conservatives there is proof of that plan. If the weather underground was successful I would be dead now because I would not have converted to the demented mind set of a democrat!

    And, why should I believe the polls?

  6. I seriously doubt Trump has any nightmares. The GOP House hasn't really been his friend during the first two years. It won't be any different if the dems win it back.

  7. polls polls polls. keep in mind they lie about polls to changes peoples minds about what they want. some people always want to be on the winning side, no matter if they agree with that side or not, and pols know this.

    but it didn't work in the last election now did it. lol

  8. Republicans---PLEASE--DO NOT get over confident,just make sure every consertive you know votes. Remember what happened to the Hildabeast. Also help republican candidates financially if you can.


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