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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Trump's Crazy Train

By Thornton Crowe

This last week, we've seen a lot of nothingness with this new book, Fire & Fury, by a well-known gossip writer. Chock full of salacious National Enquirer fictionoids, the author even admits most of it isn't true but he wanted to write a catchy story.

Of course, the fallout from this is a severed relationship between the President and his former advisor, Steve Bannon of Breitbart. The spectacle has been quite amusing to watch as the Left has gone into an absolute frenzy, now questioning the President's competency and mental state.

For those who didn't remember or live through the Eighties, they tried the same thing with Ronald Reagan minus the overpriced, hardcover Globe. Many Democrats at the time, made wild claims just before the 1984 election, due to the former President's age, he was unable to serve a second term. As history now tells us, not only did he serve, he continued to win marvelously and brought down the Iron Curtain.

Fast forward to this week and we've seen the same old song and dance. Morning Joe Scarborough and his ilk have all clamored about Trump's supposed mental disorders - questioning with feigned gravity. And then come the clowns as the House Democrats have even come up with this ridiculous story about a Yale psychiatrist who supposedly told them, in short, Trump is nuts.

Anyone whose had any dealings with the medical community will know, with HIPAA (1996) and medical license requirements, a real psychiatrist would never do two things: A) Discuss someone's mental state without an extensive interview process with the subject and B) talk about findings even if that process had occurred with anyone as Doctor-Patient confidentiality prevents such a disclosure. 

Could it be the Left is scrambling because there's nothing like the smell of Corruption?

We also learned through valid news outlets, the Clinton Foundation and Email investigations have been reopened by the Department of Justice. This could possibly explain the computer room at the Clinton's New York home, burning beyond recognition after the announcement was made midweek.

Coupled with the politicization of the Mueller investigation and the Dossier that we now know was paid for by the DNC and used for FISA warrants to illegal spy on the candidate and then-President Elect, this week was horrific for the Left - much worse than the firestorm over mental health issues and tawdry Trump tales. Perhaps we can surmise the whole outcry over Trump's mental health is nothing more than a smokescreen to deflect their wrongdoings and criminality.

Crazy Reality...

Looking at what President Trump has achieved over the last year, if he is 'nuts' then, by God, bring on the nut brigade because average Americans haven't seen prosperity like this since the Reagan years. As for real mentally insanity, we need not look any further than the Left  and their conduits for a plethora of examples of mentally unhinged.

Someone, please pass me the popcorn!


  1. Most peeps in this town don't even know about Fire and Fury. They have no idea what the hell's going on and you expect them to get the joke? Crowe, they like it better when you're exposing the local corruption because it's all these people can digest.

  2. Remember when Reagan was crazy and he showed them. Best debate line in the world. Mondale didn't stand a chance after that laugh, he even laughed. Thanks for the memory, Mr. Crowe.

  3. What corruption in Salisbury 1138? Don't you know we don't have any corruption here. It's just a bunch of people trying hard to cover up everything they do against the voters around here. Salisbury lives in denial 24-7.

  4. Radical Lefties are trying to make him look like he's crazy because he's smoking them all. Look at last week's article and all the stuff he's done. I don't remember the last time a president worked so hard for us. He makes the old timers look bad. Most of the yahoos around here don't make that kind of progress either. Trump makes all of them look like sh%%! MAGA Baby.

  5. Policizing the DOJ is very disturbing. When did this happen?

  6. When someone has access to over 1000 nuclear weapons, I think evaluating mental health is fair game. And Hillary is nuts too

    1. Did you make that same suggestion about Obama? Just FYI, the President has to go through the military in order to launch nukes so you’d have to check all of those cars, too. Funny how people don’t know their way around government procedures but like to spout off like they do. 🧐🧐

    2. What ever he’s doing against rocket boy seems to be working. He’s backed off since Trump went off on him. Just sayin’. I trust Trump more than the Democrats and news people.

    3. Some of you would blindly follow this man off a cliff if he told you to.

    4. 205, i make that question for any candidate. Its called thinking.

  7. Trump isn't nuts 201 but he's driving everyone else crazy because he keeps on winning. Keep whining.

    1. Sorry pal, not whining, just not a syncophant

  8. 201 what happen to the recount? College electoral? Riots? Marches? 24/7 negative coverage? Russia Russia Russia all day all night? Now it's mental stability? Nah. I think I see a pattern. It's called BS. PRESIDENT TRUMP WON HE IS THE PEOPLES CHAMPION

    1. I voted for trump. I just think his mental health is fair game. Calm down cupcake

  9. Ok. Its fine for republicans to assault the mental health (1972) of a candidate (or his VP) but people cant question the mental health of trump? Im confused, i thought this was a free country.

    1. 247, these posters wouldnt even think about that with those blinders on

  10. It is ironic that you all make fun of snowflakes but someone makes the slightest comment, such as 205, that slightly questions Trump and you all go ballistic.

  11. 2:01..if anyone thinks our good president is nut's, that suit's me. The man has the ball's to protect us and I'm happy, happy, happy.

  12. 2:48, 2:53, get a life don't hate us because we can see more then you SNOWFLACKS. We wanted someone that thought of the USA before any other country. What is wrong with that? Trump my hero! (map)

    1. Snowflacks lol. Trump my hero! My God...

  13. 11:38 I don't get the joke. You can elaborate. There are a lot of people in this town that are much smarter than you think. For instance, they aren't the ones wasting their time complaining about you, so there you go. I get that you are a loser, needing to insult everyone else in order to build yourself up. You got any sense of self awareness? Take your Metamucil, Gramps.

    1. Nice treatment of your fellow citizens. 1138 has just as much a right to speak their opinion as you do. You’re a rude pompous idiot , 325. Maybe you choikf take your own Metamucil.

    2. 3:42-"Maybe you choikf?" I see there are idiots in this town that the poster, who I was replying to, was talking about. Not denying anyone's free speech, moron, but I will call out any idiot, anytime of day.

    3. It takes one to know one.

  14. accuse others of what you are doing. I have been saying that about demoncrats forever. It is becoming obvious to most people now. They have gathered a lot of rope to hang themselves with now.

  15. The only other option was Hillary Clinton, so all of you Trump haters STFU and be glad that she's not in charge of anything anymore, except the constant whine of abject defeat.

    1. Its America pal everyones free to express their opinion. Or did I miss the Constitution being shredded?

    2. You must have missed it. It was shredded under Obama. Sorry ‘pal’ 605

  16. Yes you have free speech. However please remember when commenting to show some respect. It should be the American way which is lacking.

    1. Show respect to you? You presume everyone is dumber than you, in writing no less, and you demand respect? That's not happening! Don't give it, if you can't take it. Isn't that the old cliche? Put your big boy pants on and get over it.

  17. Don't panic folks Oprah is going to run for President. If you think Obammy was bad just wait.


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