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Friday, January 26, 2018

Trump's 2018 Farm Bill: 'Work Is Pathway to Self-Sufficiency' for Food Stamp Recipients

The Trump administration unveiled its 2018 Farm Bill Wednesday, proposing pathways for food stamp recipients to get back to work.

The four-page document released Wednesday emphasized the need for “work” to be “the pathway to self-sufficiency” for many food stamp users.

The recently released U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) initiative’s goal is to get more able-bodied adults into jobs or enrolled in job-training programs in the hopes that they can be less dependent on government assistance.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told a group of reporters at a farm near Mifflintown, Pennsylvania, that the administration is looking to implement “work requirements” at the federal level to discourage government dependence and promote “an independent lifestyle.”



  1. How about cutting the morbidly obese ones down to 1/3 the stamps until they become "Able Bodied"?

    That would free up half the scooters at Wal-Mart for those who are truly crippled!

  2. Relieve all the training you want, no one can support a family on a chicken catchers salary.

  3. Except the chicken catcher's bosses who most likely have degrees.

    Welfare to work - EBT to work produces the most unhappy, ungrateful and inefficient employees. They don't want to be there and have no ability to deal with the public or authority figures.

    1. Yep same idiots who ruin schools. Only there for free food


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