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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Trump Ups Defense Budget By 13% - "Can't Have World's Best Military On An Obama Budget"

With Washington having seemingly turned its turret away from 'terror' and back to "revisionist, authoritarian" regimes like 'Russia and China', the Military-Industrial Complex is 'gonna need a bigger budget' - a 13% bigger $716 billion one by 2019.

US military spending already dwarfed the rest of the world...


  1. We knew this was coming. It's just a statement of fact.

  2. But, how many of these countries on this list we support militarily? How many and how large are the pieces of the $611B spread to these countries on this chart? If the US was isolationist, what would we actually spend on OUR defense?

  3. American history proves, the best offense, is a strong defense.

  4. We have no clue how big China’s budget is.

  5. But we have lost every war since WW II.

    1. Sorry chief, I was in Desert Storm and definitely did not lose. Try reading a history book.

  6. POLITICIANS gave the wars away.

    The U.S. military can absolutely wipe the any enemy off he face of the Earth.
    BUT, policies such as "don't shoot until they shoot at you"(obama)and "don't bomb aircraft on the ground" (Nixon, Vietnam) and "stop inflicting such destruction that the enemy says we are killing them too much" (Nixon again).

    1. That's when the Presidents wouldn't let the Generals (Flag Officers) run the war. This President let's them make decisions based on their expertise but this President keeps an eye on everything. Let's hope it works out better for the military and their families. We owe you other of gratitude.

  7. That wasn't a war. It was police action by 35 countries including the US to protect oil fields in Kuwait. Iraq versus 35 countries. Some war. LOL.

    1. Why would you lol about any war. I bet, by your comment, you have never been in the military. Vietnam in the Army would have been a good place for you to learn some respect. Now get out of your parents basement and do something with your life.

  8. First of all the money goes ten times as far in China.

    Secondly China hides the majority of its military spending.

    Thirdly 80% of American spending is fraud.

  9. 8:41 Sorry. Just under 50 and retired here. Respect doesn't pay DP&L or the grocery bills.

  10. Obama & Hillary tried to DESTROY AMERICA and came too close!


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