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Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Trump Really Is Draining The Swamp

President Donald Trump is significantly decreasing the size of the federal bureaucracy, a campaign promise he often referred to as “draining the swamp.”

The administration downsized permanent staff at all cabinet-level departments by the end of Sept. 2017, except for at Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs (VA) and Interior, The Washington Post reported Saturday. Hundreds of federal positions have been removed as a result of the administration’s commitment to retool and shed some of the two million federal government employees.

The federal workforce grew sizably under both former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, ballooning from roughly 1.8 million employees in 2000 to 2.14 million at the height of Obama’s presidency.

Trump’s administration is moving at a historically slow pace in filling political positions at federal agencies, whether it be part of his “draining the swamp” promise or a slow movement on the part of the Senate is unclear.



  1. But he is leaning towards DACA and that will negate everything

    1. Everything? How? He already stopped train migration big problem of daca! Please give examples so I know. Thank you

  2. Draining the swamp? Explain Betsy Devos or Ajit Pai or Steven Gardner? About half on Trumps nominees have ties to the industries they are supposed to regulate...

    That's not draining the swamp, that IS the swamp.

    1. How do you find someone who is highly qualified in the field and capable of regulating that industry without having someone who has worked in the industry? Hello, McFly????


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