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Monday, January 15, 2018

Trump mocks Durbin’s lecture on ‘painful’ term ‘chain migration’: ‘Good line’

Sen. Dick Durbin told reporters Friday that he was unhappy with President Trump’s usage of the term “chain migration” during policy negotiations because it’s possibly “painful” for minorities.

A Chicago press conference on immigration negotiations exploded on social media and cable news because of Mr. Trump’s alleged reference to “s—hole” nations, but Mr. Durbin also lamented references to “chain migration” because the word ‘chain’ may conjure up images of slavery to minorities.

“I said to the president [during negotiations], ‘do you realize how painful that term is to so many people? African-Americans believe they migrated to America in chains, and when you speak to chain migration it hurts them personally,” Mr. Durbin said, the Daily Caller reported.



  1. Durbin is just a big snowflake a$$

  2. "African Americans believe they migrated to America in chains....."

    Could we get an interview with one of them?

    Another white person trying to tell us how black people feel.
    Making up BS to show how much empathy he feels for black people.
    The only black person he ever gets close to is his housekeeper.


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