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Friday, January 19, 2018

Trump Administration Bars Haitians from U.S. Visas for Low-Skilled Work

Haitians will no longer be eligible for U.S. visas given to low-skilled workers, the Trump administration said on Wednesday, bringing an end to a small-scale effort to employ Haitians in the United States after a catastrophic 2010 earthquake.

DHS said in a regulatory filing that it was removing Haiti from lists of more than 80 countries whose citizens can be granted H-2A and H-2B visas, given to seasonal workers in agriculture and other industries.

It cited what it said were "high levels of fraud and abuse" by Haitians with the visas, and a "high rate of overstaying the terms" of their visas.

A DHS report published last year stated that Haitians on a variety of non-immigrant visas, including H-2As and H-2Bs, had a roughly 40 percent visa overstay rate in the 2016 fiscal year.

Belize and Samoa were also removed from the lists, for risks stemming from human trafficking and not taking back nationals ordered removed from the United States, respectively.

More here


  1. Good we have enough of these $^#^ heads in country already they are ignorant pushy arsehole who expect to be instanly rich. Dont get me started on the crap they pull at bennet HS. Look im not racist but this bunch have issues.

    1. I wish you were wrong. But you're not... i see it everyday...

  2. Good we have enough of these $^#^ heads in country already they are ignorant pushy arsehole who expect to be instanly rich. Dont get me started on the crap they pull at bennet HS. Look im not racist but this bunch have issues.

  3. Mexicans I can work with. Haitians I can not. They lack so many basic 1st world skills many are unemployable. Basic hygiene would be at the top of that list. As would an acceptable work ethic. Smelly and late is no way to start your first day.

  4. Low skill? Why is it anytime the roads crew around here does anything it's 1 guy working and 5 standing around?

  5. If their home country won't take them back,what happens then?

    1. What if Germany, Sweden, Mexico would take them?

  6. I have had personal experience with Samoans. If they get mad they are the most vicious people on the face of the Earth. They will rip your head off and stomp on it in a heartbeat!


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