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Saturday, January 06, 2018

Time To Wake Up Libs


  1. 100% the Truth. Democrats keep people down. They lie and talk a good game about "compassion" but as usual they are lying. Take immigration. Democrats are ONLY for mass immigration and open borders because democrats are controlled by big business. Big business wants cheap labor-a steady stream of unskilled workers ready willing and able to work for slave wages. With controlled immigration like the Republicans want wages would rise for low income bracket. Democrats keep people herded and corralled in the ghettos where because of sub standard schools they will never get ahead. Republicans are for school choice so it's not only the rich who can send their children to better schools. The fact is and always has been democrats are horrid people who lie constantly and have never and will never ever contribute anything positive to society.

  2. And the libtards still fall for it every time. Like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football.

  3. Democrats for destroying America have done nothing to benefit citizens for the last 9 years.

  4. 10:36, and they are still not doing anything for us. They spend all their time attacking Trump. They have a ugggeee fear of him finding out what they have been doing all these years while in office. They know they will lose their job and will go straight to prison when he does.


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